This news has probably already reached you. This Friday, February 17, Paris city hall has proposed voting methods, and last April, Parisians mobilized against the choice self-service electric scooters. A real blow for all fans of this means of transport. Operators well known to Parisians (Tier, Dott, Bolt) had to withdraw their 5000 machines scattered throughout the city and its surroundings. Why did Parisians vote in favor of this law? Weebot will answer this question.

Paris Trottinettes Electriques Vote : Face à une Menace pour l'Achat Personnel ?

What were the results of the vote? 🗳️

The result is clear according to statistics from Paris town hall:

résultats de l'interdiction des trottinettes en libre-service

On the 1,382,322 people registered on the Parisian electoral lists, 

103,084 voters took part in the vote.

Newsletter « For self-service scooters ✅ » : 11,256 voters either 10,97% votes cast

Newsletter « Against self-service ❌ » : 91,385 voters either 89,03% votes cast

With the highest rate of votes against, i.e. 91,77%, in the 16th district.

and the voting rate for the highest, i.e. 14,23%, for the district of Paris Center. The figures show a great predominance in in favor of a choice against, but some Parisians struggle to understand what this will really change in the streets of the capital. We will try to explain to you.

What is the difference between a personal and self-service electric scooter?

trottinette libre-service vs trottinette personnelle

To an initiated person, this question may seem obvious, but not to everyone. So, let me introduce you to the difference between these two types of scooters. So-called self-service scooters are scooters that belong to operators like Tier, Lime, etc., available almost everywhere in the city of Paris and can be found using a mobile application directly available in the Apple Store or the Google Store . 

With the application, from unlocking to payment, everything is done there. Once your scooter has been rented, you will be billed for a per-minute service until the scooter is left in a special “parking lot” so that another user can take advantage of it in turn. To summarize, a self-service scooter ranks at the same level as a hotel on Airbnb. 

This is something that is laudable for a while, but ultimately does not belong to the person themselves. A personal scooter, on the other hand, is purchased by a user for his own needs or those of someone else. 

Why was this law approved?

plusieurs trottinettes tier alignées

For many Parisians, scooter services represent a useful and reliable means of transport to compensate for traditional transport such as the metro or buses, which have the unfortunate tendency to often be late or crowded with people, or simply to take a simple trip through the capital. 

They represent an ecological and easy-to-access means for any Parisian, and it is precisely on this aspect that self-service scooters have not achieved unanimous support.

Dangerous behavior was often carried out on self-service scooters such as:

- Ride with two people on the same electric scooter 

- Circulate on the sidewalk or on the cycle path without authorization

- Travel on routes prohibited for electric scooters

- Self-service electric scooters can cause parking problems 

The result of these offenses was therefore to ban scooters in the capital. The inhabitants of the capital hope that with this law, the number of incivilities will decrease. 

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Is it forbidden to ride a scooter in Paris?

panneau de signalisation indiquant l'interdiction des trottinettes

With all the problems encountered with self-service scooters (Dott, Lime), it is normal to wonder if one day personal electric scooters will be banned. 

To this question, we can answer no. Self-service scooters represent a large number of incivilities in public spaces, and they present a permanent danger both for users and for other users. 

We will therefore see, through the various Weebot articles, how to drive safely in cities.

The Guide to Driving Safely 

1: Recommended Safety Equipment

Scooter equipment is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Driving without a helmet is like driving a car and taking the time to deactivate your airbags. At Weebot, we offer ultra-efficient connected headsets to increase your visibility, but there are also "simpler" and less expensive helmets, although these are not visible in the dark, they are useful simply to reduce the impact of a fall on your head. Some opinions on our helmets. 

avis sur les casques de weebot

2: The importance of rear lights 

Many of us use a scooter to go to class or work, but sometimes we have to come home late, especially during the end of year periods when night falls more quickly. 

A taillight is essential to ensure your safety. Especially if you are driving outside of built-up areas because the lack of light may be less noticeable. 

For guaranteed security, the Weebot team guides you to the model rear headlight indicators with remote control, a real boon for your scooter. Thanks to its wireless remote control to be installed on the handlebars, this rear light can easily indicate to vehicles behind you if you are braking or want to turn. Some opinions on our rear lights.

avis sur les feux arrières

Conclusion: Driving in the Capital with complete peace of mind

To summarize, Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, announces a referendum to ask Parisians to express themselves regarding self-service scooters. A large majority of Parisians voted to ban this service, deeming it too dangerous and intrusive. 

Electric scooters are indeed the cause of many accidents, but with the advice of our teams at Weebot, we were able to identify the elements to remember to avoid some of these problems, such as those related to taillights. Your personal purchase will therefore not be impacted. It will always be legal to drive your electric vehicle, but on the other hand, dangerous behavior by certain users will always be reprimanded. Electric scooters still have a bright future ahead of them, but you have to know how to adapt your behavior to other users. If you liked this article, do not hesitate to follow us on our various social networks: Twitter, Instagram And Youtube.

The Weebot team wishes you a pleasant day.

Frequently Asked Questions

When did the vote take place on the ban on electric scooters in Paris?

The results were revealed on Sunday April 2.

Will Weebot stop selling scooters?

No, the vote only affects self-service scooters (Lime, Tier). Weebot will therefore not be closed.

Why remove self-service scooters?

Scooters are disappearing, because 90% of Parisians are against maintaining self-service electric scooters.

Is the ban on self-service scooters in force across France?

The ban on self-service scooters is not prohibited throughout France. However, there have been bans in some cities. For example in Paris.