The electric scooter is a means of transport If you want to use your electric scooter for a long time and daily, you will need to charge it. However, certain rules must be taken into account to charge your electric scooter correctly. In this article, Weebot explains how to do it.

Charge your scooter correctly

Learning how to maintain a vehicle is not a step to take lightly. This is also the case for your electric scooter. You need to recharge it regularly and at the right time. Weebot helps you charge your electric scooter properly!

How to recharge the battery of your electric scooter?

Comment recharger la batterie de sa trottinette électrique ?

To recharge the battery of your electric scooter, you will need to follow the steps opposite:

  • Charge your scooter from a regular outlet .
  • Respect the charging time indicated by your manufacturer.
  • When you return from a trip, let your vehicle cool down before putting it on charge. If this step is not followed, your engine risks overheating.
  • Use a charger suitable for your vehicle . To do this, it is preferable to opt for the original charger for your electric scooter.
  • Do not leave your scooter plugged in after charging. Leaving your scooter for too long can cause the battery to overheat.

Where to charge your electric scooter?

You can recharge your scooter in many places. It is nevertheless essential that you recharge your electric scooter in a dry environment and at room temperature. You can therefore recharge your scooter in a bicycle storage room or a garage for example. On the other hand, in winter, it is preferable to charge it at home in an environment with a temperature between 10 and 25°. For a complete recharge, however, you will have to wait several hours.

When to charge your electric scooter?

Recharging an electric scooter depends and may differ depending on several situations:

  • You are recharging a new scooter: When you purchase a scooter, it is generally delivered with little energy. So be sure to recharge it as much as possible.
  • For daily charging: this allows you to optimize the battery of your scooter while ensuring that your vehicle can travel correctly. However, it is not necessary to recharge it to 100% each time.
  • For a rarely used battery: Do not leave your scooter's battery empty for too long. Your two-wheeler may no longer work and the battery may be damaged in the long term. We recommend that you check the battery level of your scooter regularly and carry out a full recharge if possible every month.

Why charge your electric scooter?

Pourquoi charger sa trottinette électrique ?

For your scooter to work properly, you must understand how it works but above all take care of its battery. Weebot gives you advice that will allow you to keep your scooter as long as possible so that you can use it optimally!

Understanding how your electric scooter’s battery works

To charge your scooter properly, it is important to understand how its battery works. The electric battery is one of the essential parts for the proper functioning of your electric vehicle. Furthermore, in the event of a malfunction, it will have to be changed. The latter can be indicated by an error message or a light on the screen of your scooter that you have chosen, and it is this light which will give you additional information. Depending on the brand, this functionality may differ.

The latter creates energy through an exchange of electrons and electrodes in a conductive liquid. When you search for your vehicle, energy is injected into the charger. This energy will be stored in the battery of your two-wheeler and will deplete as you move with it . 

Electric scooter batteries are most often a lithium-ion battery. Typically, it requires the original charger to properly charge your device. The more properly you charge your vehicle, the more you can enjoy long journeys. 

Optimize the lifespan of your electric scooter

The autonomy of your battery mainly dependson its components. However, it is possible for you to optimize the autonomy of your electric scooter. For example, you can recharge your battery at regular intervals to improve its lifespan and autonomy.

The autonomy of your battery also depends on the maintenance of your two wheels. So be sure to check your tire pressure regularly to avoid harming the performance of your vehicle. Poorly inflated tires will not be able to support you properly, so respect the pressure recommended by the manufacturer to fully enjoy your electric scooter.

Also be sure to maintain the general conditions of your vehicle as they should be. To do this, you can consult a professional to carry out general overhauls of your two wheels on an ongoing basis.

Please note that your battery has a limited lifespan. If this is exceeded, you will need to change it or change the electric scooter if it is damaged.

Mistakes to avoid when charging your electric scooter

When charging your electric scooter, it is not uncommon for you to make mistakes without realizing it. Here is a list of things not to do when you want to recharge your two wheels:

  • Do not read the user manual for your two-wheeler: This tells you everything you need to know about your vehicle. It is sometimes possible that advice for optimizing your vehicle's battery is included there, so do not hesitate to consult it.
  • Do not consult the charge indicator: It is this which allows you to know the charging status of your electric scooter. Once charged to 100%, we recommend that you unplug your scooter to avoid overheating.
  • ‍Do not let the battery discharge: Leaving your battery discharged for too long can damage it in the long term. So be sure to charge it before it reaches 20%.
  • Avoid overheating: Avoid places that are too hot or loading directly after your ride. This could result in an overload or too high a Volt voltage.
  • Avoid rain: This can damage your battery.
  • Avoid places with extreme temperatures (too hot or too cold).

As a user, adopting these few reflexes will allow you, whatever the model of your electric scooter, to ensure their durability.

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How long does an electric scooter take to charge?

Generally speaking, the recharging time of an electric scooter can reach up to 15 hours on average.

Is it possible to charge your scooter on ordinary sockets?

Yes, you can charge a wide range of electric scooters from a regular electrical outlet. To achieve this, it is nevertheless recommended to opt for the original charger for your two wheels.



Like any other vehicle, the electric scooter must be regularly maintained. This maintenance involves daily recharging of its battery. Indeed, the battery of your two wheels is one of the most important elements of your scooter. If it is damaged, you will have to repair it or even replace your vehicle. To preserve it for as long as possible, it is therefore important to adopt good reflexes.