In 2025, the government continues its project to make electric bicycles (E-bikes) accessible to everyone by implementing very attractive subsidies. This initiative aims to encourage green mobility while making the acquisition of an electric bike more affordable. Good news: the Bike Bonus has been extended until 2027 and now includes the purchase of second-hand bikes. Let's review the different assistance for an electric bike in 2025.

The bike bonus: what is it?

The Bike Bonus is an interesting solution for buying or renting a bike, whether it is a classic or electric one, at a reduced price. This scheme aims to facilitate access to Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs), whether motorized or not, with a priority focus on low-income households. 

The conditions for granting the Bike Bonus

To benefit from the bike bonus, one must refer to the article D251-2 of the Energy Code which defines the eligibility criteria for this state aid. 

For adults residing in France

This device is aimed at adults residing in France, with a reference tax income (RFR) per share of less than or equal to €14,089. However, for people with disabilities, no income condition is required, provided that a corresponding proof is provided. Then, it is reminded that the bike bonus is granted only once per individual. However, several members of the same tax household can benefit from it, provided they meet the eligibility criteria set by the State.

For a wide range of electric bikes

Since its expansion in 2024, this grant now applies to a wide range of bicycles: classic bikes, electric bikes, folding bikes, and cargo bikes. To be eligible, the bike must be brand new, not use a lead battery, and not be resold within the year following its purchase. Additionally, it must be equipped with a pedal-assist system compliant with Article R.311-1 of the Highway Code.

Simulator aids for an electric bike in 2025: Test your eligibility now 



The amount of the bike bonus

Here is a summary table of the Bicycle Bonus amount:


For an individual with a reference tax income per share less than or equal to €7,100 or in a situation of disability.

For an individual with a reference tax income per share less than or equal to €15,400

For a legal entity (company, association, community)

Classic bike

Maximum aid of €150



Electric bicycle

Maximum subsidy of €400

Subsidy of up to €300


Cargo electric bike, folding, elongated, suitable for a disability situation

Subsidy of up to €2,000

Subsidy of up to €1,000

Subsidy of up to €1,000

Traditional folding bike, cargo, elongated, suitable for a disability situation

Subsidy of up to €2,000

Subsidy of up to €1,000

Subsidy of up to €1,000

Electric trailer

Subsidy of a maximum of €150

Subsidy of up to €1,000

Subsidy of up to €1,000

Confortable/PolyvalentSave €200.00
Vélo Électrique Biplace Cargo Garrett Miller City : Confortable et Multifonctionnel - WeebotVélo Électrique Biplace Cargo Garrett Miller City : Confortable et Multifonctionnel - Weebot
Garrett Miller Garrett Miller City Two-Seater Cargo Electric Bike: Comfortable and Multifunctional
Sale priceFrom €2,490.00 Regular price€2,690.00
In stock

The conversion bonus: last chance to take advantage of it!

Good news! The conversion bonus has been extended until February 14, 2025. If you are considering replacing your old or polluting vehicle with an electric bike, this state aid could save you, whether you are an individual or a legal entity. Depending on your situation, this grant presents itself as a golden opportunity for a more ecological transition at a lower cost. We explain everything to you.

state aid for electric bicycles

Eligibility criteria

To benefit from the conversion bonus, certain eligibility conditions must be met. 

  • Individuals must be domiciled in France, while legal entities must prove their establishment in French territory. Beneficiaries must also be of legal age and purchase or rent an electric assisted bicycle (EAB), while scrapping their old vehicle.
  • The bike purchased or rented must meet specific criteria. It can be new or used, but it must be an electric bike (VAE), not use a lead battery, and have a unique identifier. It must have been acquired between August 15, 2022, and December 31, 2023. And, in the case of rental, it must have been rented for a duration of 2 years or more.

The amount of the conversion bonus

Normally, the conversion bonus represents 40% of the purchase price of the electric bike, with a ceiling set at €1,500. However, this amount can be doubled, reaching up to €3,000, if you can justify a reference tax income (RFR) per share of less than €7,100 or a situation of disability. In addition, the State offers a supplementary bonus that is added to the subsidy granted by your local authority. This supplementary bonus is limited to an amount of €1,000.

How to apply for assistance for an electric bike?

Getting help for the purchase or rental of an electric bike is quite simple, but there are a few steps to follow to ensure everything goes smoothly. You must first check that you are eligible, gather the necessary documents, and submit your application on the right platforms. 

For the Bike Bonus 

To take advantage of it, all you need to do is visit the website of the Ministry of Ecological Transition or the dedicated platform, where you can submit your application online. You will need to fill out a form with your personal information and provide proof of your eligibility (for example, by providing your reference tax income or documentation if you are in a situation of disability). Also, make sure that the bike meets certain criteria (such as not being equipped with a lead battery and being new), and don't forget to submit the purchase invoice.

For the conversion bonus 

Once again, the application is made online, directly on the government website. You will need to provide information about your old vehicle (if you are scrapping one), as well as details about the bike you wish to buy or rent. Make sure your bike is approved (with a unique identifier and without a lead battery). For this grant, it will also be necessary to present a certificate of destruction of your old vehicle and, if applicable, documents proving your tax situation or disability.

In both cases, it is recommended to keep all documents related to the purchase of your bike and your application, as these may be checked at any time. Once your application is approved, the aid will generally be paid directly after the purchase of your bike, in the form of a reimbursement or an immediate discount.

Is everything in order? You will be able to take advantage of these aids to reduce the cost of your electric bike and participate in sustainable mobility.

"Support for students and young professionals: affordable sustainable mobility"

Students and young professionals often have tight budgets, but some regions and cities offer them specific assistance to facilitate access to electric bikes. These subsidies are an excellent way to reduce costs while promoting more environmentally friendly mobility. 

electric bikes for young students

Here are the main aids you may be entitled to.

Local aids: An opportunity to seize

Many local authorities, such as certain large cities or regions, are implementing support measures to encourage young people to choose an electric bike. For example, subsidies may be granted for the purchase of a new or used e-bike, sometimes in addition to national aids like the Bike Bonus. These initiatives are often targeted at students and young professionals, with more flexible income conditions to allow them to easily access eco-friendly bikes.

How to take advantage of it? It's simple!

To benefit from these local aids, it is often enough to inquire at your town hall or university, as each area offers different programs. The procedures are generally simple: you will need to provide proof of your status as a student or young professional, as well as your residence. These aids can be combined with national schemes, allowing you to further reduce the price of your electric bike.


Which cities are the most generous in terms of assistance for electric bikes?
Certain large cities like Paris, Lyon, or Bordeaux offer more significant aid or specific subsidies for the purchase of electric bikes. This aid is often funded by municipalities and aims to encourage residents to choose more environmentally friendly means of transportation. It is advisable to inquire directly with your city's town hall to learn about local offers.

Can the eligibility conditions change during the year?
Yes, it is possible that some eligibility conditions may change during the year. For example, adjustments regarding income limits or age criteria may be revised. It is therefore advisable to regularly check information on official websites or to contact local authorities to stay informed of the latest updates.

If I buy a second-hand electric bike, can I still benefit from the Bike Bonus?
Yes, since 2024, the Bike Bonus has been extended to used electric bikes, provided they meet certain quality criteria (no lead batteries, for example). Make sure that the seller is a professional and that the bike is in good condition before making your request.

Can you combine multiple aids for the purchase of an electric bike?
Yes, it is possible to combine certain aids, notably the Bike Bonus and local or regional aids. However, it is important to check the specific conditions of each scheme to know if they are compatible with each other. For example, a territorial aid may overlap with the Bike Bonus, but not with the conversion bonus.


Devices like the Bike Bonus and the conversion premium do not just facilitate the purchase of an electric bike: they also play a key role in the democratization of green mobility throughout France. It is in this perspective that the government has decided to extend the Bike Bonus until 2027 and the conversion premium until February 2025. Another advantage: these aids now also apply to second-hand bikes, giving you the opportunity to actively participate in the circular economy, focused on reuse and sustainability. And if you prefer new models, at Weebot, we have selected reliable and high-performance e-bikes for you. Don't hesitate to come and discover our range!