In 2023, it was estimated that there were over 3 million electric scooters in circulation throughout the Hexagon. The numbers speak for themselves; this soft mobility has won the hearts of the French. It is everywhere and continues to gain momentum!

However, this rapid growth comes with new challenges, especially in terms of safety and coexistence with other road users. As the number of accidents involving electric scooters continues to rise, the authorities have decided to review and adopt "stricter" rules. To start the year safely, Weebot reveals the electric scooter regulations 2025.

What are the main legislative reforms of 2025?

The electric scooter law 2025 has updated some crucial aspects. Namely, speed limits, traffic rules, mandatory equipment… Every wheeler should be aware of these changes to be able to ride in complete peace of mind and avoid paying a fine. 

legislation on electric scooters

Speed limit: always capped at 25 km/h?

On public roads, the maximum speed for scooters is set at 25km/h. But this is going to change, as the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) plans to reduce this speed to 20 km/h, in order to decrease the risk of accidents. Furthermore, they suggest adopting standards for braking systems and restrictions on acceleration, with the aim of discouraging risky behaviors. 

Wearing a helmet: optional or mandatory?

Know that electric scooters are no less dangerous than other EDPMs (Personal Mobility Devices). In Italy, the law requires helmet use for electric scooter riders, since 2023. Here in France, this obligation is still a topic of debate, although it aligns with the coherence of the road safety program. 

However, in light of the increase in head injuries, it is very likely that this year, wearing an electric scooter helmet will become mandatory for all users, not just for minors. Our opinion? Wearing a helmet makes you a responsible rider. Danger can occur anywhere and at any time. At Weebot, we provide helmets for electric scooters, meeting the needs of all riders. 

Electric scooter: for whom?

According to the decree of September 2023, scooter users must be at least 14 years old and no longer 12 years old to be allowed to ride on public roads. Possession of a license or a BSR (Road Safety Certificate) is not mandatory. However, most scooter accidents are due to non-compliance with rules and priorities on public roads. Therefore, every driver should know the Highway Code. It is a matter of their safety and that of other road users. 
Note that the Mobility Orientation Law (LOM) provides for the expansion of access conditions for scooters based on age and driving experience. 

Electric scooters and the Highway Code

Don't forget, the electric scooter is an EDPM. It is subject to the rules of the Highway Code just like all vehicles in its category. But be careful, the regulations vary depending on whether you are traveling in an urban area or outside of it.

scooter and road code

Urban traffic

In the city, "wheelers" are required to follow a number of rules to ensure their safety and that of others. 
- Obligation to ride on bike paths (when they exist).
-    Do not exceed a speed of 25 km/h.
- Prohibition of walking on sidewalks (unless authorized by the municipality).
-    Respect for no-entry signs, pedestrian crossings, and traffic lights indicating a bicycle.

Traffic outside urban areas

Outside urban areas, you can only travel on greenways and bike paths. Town halls have the right to restrict access to certain sections of road or to allow the use of the sidewalk, provided that a slow speed of 6 km/h is maintained and that pedestrians and passage are not disturbed.

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The parking of electric scooters

With the rise of electric scooters in the city, parking has become a major issue for riders. You cannot park your electric scooter just anywhere, or you risk receiving a fine. There are dedicated areas for this. We will explain. 

electric scooter parking

Dedicated parking areas

In certain urban areas, specific zones are designated for parking scooters, such as racks or reserved spaces. Failure to comply with these zones may result in fines. Furthermore, users must ensure that they do not park their scooters in a way that obstructs access to buildings, public transport, or on sidewalks, where they can pose a danger to people with reduced mobility or pedestrians.

The management of self-service scooters

"Shared scooters, which are an important part of electric mobility, are often equipped with geolocation systems that allow users to locate dedicated parking stations. Additionally, the operators of these services are responsible for removing improperly parked scooters, and penalties may be applied if the user leaves their vehicle in an unauthorized area."

Safety equipment: the mandatory and the recommended 

Statistics from 2023 show that 70% of scooter accidents occur due to poor driving or not wearing or improperly wearing their safety equipment. To minimize risks in case of a fall or collision, certain equipment is mandatory while others are recommended.  

electric scooter helmet

Mandatory equipment

- Wearing a high-visibility vest (yellow or orange vest), an armband, or a retro-reflective bag is mandatory if you are riding at night or in low light conditions. Failure to comply with this requirement is subject to a fine of €35. At other times, these items are recommended. 
- Front and rear position lights and reflective catadioptrics are also mandatory if you are used to driving at night or in places where visibility is poor. In case of non-compliance, you will receive a fine of €11.
- The electric scooter must be equipped with a sound warning device to signal your presence to other road users. The sound must be heard at 50 m. Otherwise, the driver will have to pay a fine of €11. 
- The vehicle must also be equipped with an effective braking system for safe and responsive stops. The fine amounts to €11 and may be increased. 

Recommended equipment

- Wearing a certified and properly secured helmet is the only way to protect your head in the event of a collision. Although wearing a helmet is still optional, the ETSC recommends making it mandatory for everyone to prevent serious injuries. 
- Elbow pads, knee pads, gloves, and wrist guards are often overlooked protections. But you can never be too careful on the road, so protect your elbows, knees, and wrists with dedicated gear. A blow to these areas can be very painful and can sometimes leave lasting effects.
- Scooters with a kickstand are also recommended to avoid obstructing pedestrians and passage.

The prohibitions 

-Wearing headphones or earphones while riding a scooter is prohibited. Any violation is punishable by a fine of €135. The use of a phone while on an electric scooter is also prohibited by law. 
- The electric scooter is an individual vehicle. Therefore, it is prohibited to carry an additional passenger, under penalty of a fine of €35.

Sanctions for Non-Compliance with Rules in 2025

In 2025, the authorities strengthen the monitoring and enforcement of electric scooter traffic rules. Non-compliance with these rules may result in fines and penalties, in order to ensure the safety of all road users. Here is an overview of the main offenses and the associated penalties:

Traffic on the sidewalk

Although some cities allow low-speed circulation on the sidewalk, the general rule requires riding on bike lanes or on the road, and not on sidewalks. In case of circulation on the sidewalk, you risk a fine of €135, plus a possible confiscation of the vehicle in case of repeat offense.

electric scooter circulation on sidewalk

The non-compliance with speed limits

If you are caught exceeding the speed limit by 25 km/h, you risk a fine of €35. If the authorities deem that the excessive speed endangers the safety of other road users, harsher penalties may be applied.
Failure to comply with traffic signs and signals
In case of non-compliance with traffic signs and signals, you risk a fine of €135, with the possibility of points being deducted in case of particularly dangerous behavior.

The absence of mandatory safety devices

Failure to comply with these safety obligations may also result in a temporary ban on circulation if your scooter is deemed non-compliant.
Traffic on unauthorized routes (outside designated areas)
If you travel outside the authorized zones (such as greenways or bike paths), you risk a fine of €35. Penalties may be higher in the case of repeated offenses.


Can electric scooters circulate on roads shared with motor vehicles?

Yes, but only on paths where circulation is permitted for scooters, such as bike lanes. In areas where traffic is shared with motor vehicles, increased caution is necessary to ensure the safety of drivers and pedestrians.

What does the law say about the circulation area?

The law on traffic lanes remains unchanged. According to the article R412-43-1 of the Highway Code dated September 1, 2023: In built-up areas, drivers of motorized personal mobility devices must travel on bike lanes or paths. Outside built-up areas, the circulation of motorized personal mobility devices is prohibited, except on greenways and bike paths. 

What happens if a scooter is confiscated for not following the rules?

In the case of a serious offense (such as riding on the sidewalk or speeding), the scooter may be confiscated. The owner will have to go to the police to retrieve their vehicle, and in some cases, a fine or additional fees may be applied.

Should electric scooters be insured?

Although electric scooter insurance is not a legal requirement in 2025, it is strongly recommended to cover the risks in case of an accident or theft. Some liability insurance already covers these risks.

However, liability insurance is mandatory, under penalty of a fine of up to €3750. It is also recommended to insure against damage and theft.

Do the rules for electric scooters apply in the same way throughout France?

No, certain rules may vary from one municipality to another. For example, municipalities may allow low-speed use of the sidewalk or define specific parking zones. Don't hesitate to inquire about local regulations.


The 2025 electric scooter law marks an important step in the management of this rapidly expanding form of soft mobility. With enhanced measures regarding safety, traffic, and parking, the goal is clear: to reduce the risk of accidents and ensure harmonious coexistence among all road users. Stay informed about the new rules to avoid fines and, above all, to ride safely. Respect speed limits, wear safety gear, use appropriate lanes… every action counts. It’s not just a matter of legality, but also common sense to preserve everyone's safety. 

Thus, in 2025, we can hope for a more secure and responsible circulation of electric scooters for everyone.