THE electric scooters are growing in popularity as a means of urban transportation. However, understanding current regulations is crucial for safe and compliant use. Discover below the essential points of the 2024 regulations for electric scooters.

Electric scooters, these increasingly popular means of urban transport, have seen their category evolve dramatically with lightweight scooters and ranges that have stood out, such as Dualtron. They have also seen their regulations evolve over the years to adapt to the challenges linked to their use.

In 2024, new measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of users, pedestrians and other vehicles on public roads. This article aims to explore the changes brought about by these regulations and provide an analysis of these measures.

The Essential Regulations for your Electric Scooter in 2024

Réglmentation trottinette électrique

Over the past decade, electric scooters have seen increasing popularity in urban spaces, with product lines booming in recent years, such as the South Korean brand Minimotors .

Their simplicity of use, ease of transport and ecological nature have made them an attractive means of travel for many people. However, this popularity has also raised questions relating to safety and cohabitation with pedestrians and other road users. Security and cohabitation issues in urban spaces. The increase in the number of electric scooters on the roads has created safety issues.

Accidents involving electric scooters have increased, highlighting the need to regulate their use. In addition, cohabitation with pedestrians and other vehicles on public roads can be a source of conflicts and potential dangers. Faced with these challenges, the authorities have recognized the need to put in place specific regulations to govern the use of electric scooters. This regulation thus makes it possible to establish clear rules for users, to promote safety and to prevent conflicts in urban spaces. 

The main regulatory measures in 2024

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les principales mesures de la reglementation en 2024

One of the key regulatory measures in 2024 is the increase in the minimum age required to drive an electric scooter. Previously set at 12 years, this age was raised to 14 years. This measure aims to protect younger users and ensure that electric scooters are used responsibly and safely.

Electric scooters must now meet certain technical specifications. Maximum motor power is limited to 500 watts, and the propulsion system must stop operating when the scooter reaches a speed of 25 km/h. These specifications aim to ensure that electric scooters are safe and maintain reasonable speed limits. The insurance requirement for electric scooters.

Another important measure introduced by the 2024 regulations concerns the insurance obligation for electric scooters. Users must now subscribe civil liability insurance to cover possible damage caused to third parties. This measure aims to protect victims in the event of an accident and to make users of electric scooters responsible. Sanctions for non-compliance with regulations.

The regulations also provide for sanctions in the event of non-compliance with the established rules. Users of electric scooters who contravene legal requirements may be subject to fines and financial penalties. These coercive measures aim to deter dangerous behavior and guarantee compliance with the rules established for the safety of all.

What will be the amount of fines in 2024?

obligation des equipements a trottrinette electrique

For more information, click on the image just above the text to learn more about the obligations for your gear. 👆

There is a universal fear that governs every person on this earth: the fear of receiving a ticket. Unfortunately, for you, scooters are no exception to this rule. We will explain to you what you risk if you do not respect the highway code with your motorized vehicle.

Riding two people on a scooter or unrestraining your machine are among these offenses which put you in danger, as much as other users.

  • Ride in pairs: Fine 135 euros
Riding two people on a personal transport vehicle (EDP) is a strictly prohibited activity and can result in a fine of 135 euros instead of 35 euros in 2023.
  • Driving without civil liability insurance: Fine maximum of €3,750

If you use an electric scooter, you must take out civil liability insurance covering damage to third parties. Lack of insurance is punishable by a maximum fine of €3,750.

  • Maximum authorized speed: 25km/h otherwise (on private roads) 50 euros fine
The maximum authorized speed for electric scooters is 25 km/h on cycle paths and on the road. On a pedestrian path or on a sidewalk, you must drive at less than 6 km/h
  • Can you ride with headphones?: No, you risk a fine of 135 
  • What is the minimum age to ride an electric scooter?: The minimum age has increased from 12 years at 14 years
This measure is part of the objective “to protect, deter and avoid dangerous behavior” of the National Plan to better regulate electric scooters.
  • Riding without lights on an electric scooter: You are liable to a fine of 35 euros for each obligatory safety equipment forgotten 
In France, electric scooters must be equipped with front and rear lighting, as well as a buzzer.

Mandatory Equipment?

The mandatory equipment for electric scooters is as follows:

Additionally, it is highly recommended to wear a helmet , gloves , closed shoes and reflective clothing for optimum safety.


conclusion article sur les reglementations sur les trottinettes électriques en 2024

The regulations have an impact on urban mobility by promoting the use of electric scooters as an alternative mode of transport. By establishing clear rules and providing greater safety, the regulations encourage users to opt for greener means of travel. This helps reduce road congestion and greenhouse gas emissions, while providing more accessible transportation options to the population.

The regulation of electric scooters in 2024 constitutes a significant step forward in terms of safety and harmonious coexistence in urban spaces. By establishing clear rules, this regulation aims to prevent accidents and conflicts linked to the use of electric scooters. It also encourages responsible, environmentally friendly practices and promotes more sustainable urban mobility.

However, for the successful integration of these means of transport in our cities, it is necessary to continue awareness-raising actions, improve urban infrastructure and strengthen cooperation between authorities, users and manufacturers.


What equipment is required for electric scooters?

Electric scooters must be equipped with front and rear position lights, retro-reflective devices, a braking system and an audible horn.

Is it illegal to ride an unrestrained scooter in 2024?

Riding an unrestrained electric scooter is strictly prohibited, and you would be subject to a fine of 1,500 euros as well as the seizure of your vehicle.

What is the maximum speed allowed for electric scooters? 

Motorized personal transport vehicles (EDPM) must be limited to 25 km/h to be able to travel on public roads.

Can two people ride an electric scooter?

No, it is obligatory to travel alone on a motorized vehicle, under penalty of receiving a fine of 135 euros.