There are a lot of misconceptions circulating around electric-assisted cycling. This article aims to answer all your questions with our expert point of view. We are going to cover the subject from top to bottom in order to bring you the real answers . Discover without further delay our analysis of preconceived ideas about electric bikes .
No need to pedal an electric bike: FALSE
The term electric bike is rightly overused. In France, the law requires that a cycle with motorization is in fact an electrically assisted bicycle (VAE). That is to say that unlike a moped like an electric scooter for example,you necessarily have to pedal to activate the electric motor.
The assistance allows you to overcome steep slopes without too much fatigue, just like covering longer distances than a simple conventional bike.

Electric assistance cuts off at 25 km/h
Assistance is only in addition to your effort. You thus remain in control of the power, both through your pedaling cadence, but also through the driving mode chosen.
Depending on the bike's technology, a sensor detects your effort. Or by a crank rotation sensor, generally reserved for entry-level electrically assisted bikes. Or by a pedaling sensor integrated into the crankset.
You can therefore control the speed of your electric bike using the power of your legs. Be careful, however, because the maximum assistance speed is 25 km/h. Beyond that, you must rely solely on your physical effort.
The accelerator trigger prohibited on public roads
If you have installed an acceleration trigger on your handlebars, be aware that it is prohibited for use on public roads. In the event of an inspection, you risk a fine from the police. However, you can use it on private land.

Electric bikes must be registered: FALSE
No, the National Bicycle Plan or the Mobility Orientation Law of the Ministry of Ecological Transition do not provide for the registration of electric bicycles. As seen previously, electric assistance cutting off at 25 km/h does not make them mopeds. There is therefore no need to have a registration document, registration or even compulsory insurance to ride an VAE.
Only Speedbikes traveling at 45 km/h are affected.
On the other hand, if your electric bike is sold with a speed greater than 25 km/h, it falls into the category of Speedbike, also called Speedélec. He must then have a license plate and take out insurance to drive legally on public roads.

The Electric Assisted Bike is heavy: TRUE and FALSE
It is true that an electric bike is generally heavier than a conventional bike. The VAE indeed has a battery and a motor which necessarily add weight compared to a conventional bicycle. But since their arrival on the market, electric bikes have been equipped with increasingly lightweight components.
Taking the example of lithium ion batteries which are much lighter and more efficient than old lead acid batteries. These are even prohibited for sale.
More than just a bicycle to which electrification has been added, e-bikes are specially designed to be as light as possible. Their weight has been reduced compared to older generations and it is possible to find them below the 20 kg or even 15 kg mark.

Electric bikes are dangerous: FALSE
Although the average traveling speed of an electric bicycle is higher than its non-motorized counterpart, studies show that there are no more accidents on electrically assisted bicycles. If the number of accidents has increased in recent years, this is mainly due to the fact that there are more cyclists on the road.
Although a bicycle helmet is not obligatory, we cannot recommend that you wear one for greater safety .
Electric bikes are for lazy people: FALSE
Although the effort required is certainly less on an electrically assisted bike, it is still wrong to say that it is reserved for lazy people. According to statistics, the majority of electric bike users are dynamic young people who prefer to do without their car to get around. The average age in France is 40 years for electrified cyclists.
It is a means of travel that allows you to both reduce your travel time (on average 2 times less than the car) but also to extend travel distances.
With an electric bike, it is much easier to make a journey of 20 to 25 km. Where this journey would be reserved for the most sporty without a motor, it is possible to do it without fatigue by VAE.
Going to work by e-bike is good for your health: TRUE
According to a study published by North Carolina University, people who ride an electric bike 30 minutes a day and 5 times a week are half less exposed to cardiovascular diseases than others. On an VAE we get out of breath less quickly and we reduce high blood pressure.
Vélotafeurs or Vélotaf as they are called all say that they are much more relaxed at the end of the day after returning from work on an electric bike. The same goes for the outward journey where many employees admit to being more productive after this morning sports phase.
You can also take advantage of the sustainable mobility package to get to work by electric bike. This allows you to obtain aid of up to 500 euros per year .
Riding an electric bike is therefore both good for the health of the body but also for mental health. With the numerous cycle paths being created every day in the region, it is increasingly easy to ride without the inconvenience of urban traffic.
Moreover, it is also inaccurate to say that we breathe more pollution when cycling. If we can believe we are more protected from pollution inside a car, this is unfortunately false. The front grille of a vehicle is closer to the exhaust pipes and therefore transmits CO2 particles better inside the passenger compartment.
Whereas by bike, we are higher up on the road and therefore less exposed to fine particles spit out by thermal vehicles.

Autonomy is lacking on electric bikes: FALSE
We often read that as with electric cars, autonomy is the weak point on electric bikes. If these 2 vehicles benefit from an electric motor and battery, the comparison stops there. An electric car is very heavy, often close to 2 tonnes.
The VAE is much lighter and is only coupled with electric assistance. It is therefore much less energy intensive to propel an electrically assisted bicycle with a small motor with a power of 250W than to move a heavy load of an electric automobile at much higher speeds.
Today many bikes offer a range of between 50 km and up to 200 km thanks to a battery of around 500Wh.
Beware of cheap electric bikes with very small batteries
You should still be wary of entry-level electric bikes which often have a 8Ah battery and less. The battery being the most expensive element of an electrically assisted bicycle, some manufacturers take advantage of this in order to be able to offer attractive prices.
But with this type of low quality accumulator and controller, you will only have a low range of around 20 to 40 km in the best case. If offering low autonomy may be enough for some, another problem is also that of quality. A noname battery will wear out much faster over time.
How is the autonomy announced by manufacturers calculated?
It is also quite complicated to calculate the autonomy of an electrically assisted bicycle. The manufacturer generally announces a capacity of use that is often higher than the majority of what users encounter. It is important to understand that autonomy depends on many parameters. The weight supported, the level of assistance, the maximum speed as well as the route have a huge influence on the use of a motor.
Manufacturer data is mainly established in the lowest assistance level with a rider weight of around 60 to 70 kg.
No need to recharge the battery when braking or going downhill
The argument for an e-bike is no longer based on its regenerative battery capacity. Regenerative braking is often far too expensive compared to the additional range generated. Driving a bike being very different from an electric scooter or an electric scooter, this has relatively little interest and has therefore gradually been eliminated on e-bikes.

The electric bike battery is polluting: FALSE
Lithium ion batteries are today all recyclable. Many cyclists are sensitive to environmental issues. It is therefore normal to want to ensure that old batteries are recycled once used.
Batteries at Weebot are recycled
At Weebot we are sensitive to the cause and we are committed to taking back used batteries in order to recycle them. As suppliers of eco-mobility solutions, we are fully committed to the process of sustainability of our machines.
Electric bikes are stolen more: FALSE
The risk of theft is no greater than a conventional bicycle. The main thing is to secure your bike when you tie it up. By removing the battery as well as the digital display from the handlebars, this can even discourage thieves who will then have more difficulty reselling it.
Mandatory marking of new bicycles against theft
In order to combat theft, it has been compulsory since January 2021 for resellers to offer engraving or marking on new electric bikes. At Weebot, we have selected the offer from the anti-theft manufacturer Auvray with its tamper-proof ICA Bike labels .
This makes it easier to find your electrically assisted bicycle in the event of theft. With a unique identification code registered in a national file, your bike can easily be identified so that it can be returned to you.
The pedal motor is more efficient: Partly TRUE
It is common to read the superiority of a central motor in the crankset compared to a motor in the rear or front wheels. The advantage of a pedal motor is to offer better acceleration torque.
Unlike an electrically assisted bicycle with a motor in the rear wheel, the pedal motor will tend to better accompany the pedaling movement of the cyclist thanks to the pedaling sensor.
However, a rear engine is not necessarily bad on a two-wheeler. This allows for a more attractive price while offering a good level of power for the electric assistance of a bicycle. The motors in the rear wheel of an e-bike have an equally good lifespan and require no maintenance to be used all year round.
The electrically assisted bicycle is expensive: TRUE and FALSE
If the starting price of an electric bike may seem expensive, you must take into account that it is the most economical means of travel currently.
When purchasing an electrically assisted bicycle, it is possible to benefit from a subsidy of up to 500 euros on the price .
In addition to this, the Sustainable Mobility Package allows you to obtain up to 500 euros over the year to travel to work by electric bike. No more paying a subscription each month for public transport. No more paying dearly for fuel. It is generally estimated that recharging a battery costs a few cents.
In addition to being pleasant, this makes the electric bike an excellent means of everyday travel.
Conclusion on the electric bicycle
The level of electric assistance on a bicycle is ideal for urban travel. This modern and ecological means of transport is transforming our mode of travel. With the sustainability of cycle paths, it is important to take advantage of them in order to reduce our pollution. The electric bike is no longer just the future but already the present.
More and more users are swapping their cars in exchange for cargo bikes , which are on the rise in 2021. With an increase in sales of more than 354% compared to the previous year, the cargo bike makes it possible to transport equipment , but also his children in an extremely practical way.
Do not hesitate to consult our various articles on how to choose an electric bike , as well as our buying guides on electric mountain bikes or folding electric bikes .