Whether we like it or not, electric scooters can generate desire and given their price, it is logical to want to protect your property. Even if in the majority of cases the characteristic of the scooter is to be easily transportable, it remains true that you may have to leave it outside for a few moments.

In these cases, it is better to have an effective electric scooter lock so that your 2 wheels are safe. But of course not all are equal. So which style should you choose and why?

anti vol trottinette electrique choisir

1.    Some obvious facts to keep in mind

Before recommending this or that product, there are some obvious facts that you absolutely must not lose sight of.

Firstly, an electric scooter is a product designed to be transportable and some parts of which can be dismantled. It is therefore not difficult for a poorly attentive person to succeed in seizing it if necessary. Another important point, there is no infallible anti-theft device, often thieves have good equipment and know-how.

It is therefore important to keep in mind that most anti-theft devices will have more of a deterrent value and that this type of device is only valid for a short period of time. 

If you have to park your electric scooter for an extended period of time on a busy road, consider bringing it with you instead for greater safety. If, however, you need to park your electric scooter outdoors, consider attaching it to a stable and resistant point such as a pole or a pole.

Of course avoid places with little traffic which will give possible opportunists all the time necessary to seize it and avoid leaving it outside for a long period like for example all night. 

2.    The different types of electric scooter locks

There are of course various models of anti-theft devices which are generally used both for electric scooters and for bicycles, or even electric bikes.

Always keeping in mind that the electric scooter is much easier to move than bicycles, here are the different types of locks for electric scooters you can find on the market.

Knowing that generally in order to steal your scooter the people concerned prefer to cut the body of the lock with pliers, rather than trying to pick them, which would take longer. However, both options exist so you must choose carefully.

Cable (or chain) locks

anti vol chaine trottinette electrique

There are different forms of cable locks. Either thin cable locks, thick cable locks, chain locks or even boa locks.

Overall, they have the big advantage of being within a reasonable budget, easy to transport and easy to install. That said, no matter the size of the cable or chain with the necessary equipment, cutting pliers or even bolt cutters, it will not take long for this system to find its limits.

So basically this type of lock is more recommended for a quick stop or to prevent someone around you from using it without your knowledge, but these locks are not particularly reliable because they are easy to cut.

It would then be better to use a chain lock like the Abus Steel-O-Chain .


anti vol en u e-trottinette

This is one of the best-selling models because it is more resistant and potential thieves will need a grinder to get rid of it. However, this system has its limits.

U-shaped locks are often heavy and not necessarily practical to transport , plus they cannot be attached anywhere. You will need to think carefully about where you are going to place them, which can be problematic; they do not go around street lights, for example.

We recommend the Abus Granit Plus 470 or the Trelock BS 450 .

Folding bike locks

anti vol pliant trottinette electrique

The folding scooter lock is practical to transport , because once folded it takes up little space, the plates which constitute it are resistant.

However, several disadvantages arise from this, initially there are major differences in quality depending on the range of products, moreover the fixings are ultimately quite fragile with a little know-how it is very easy to 'get over it.

Also note that this type of lock, like the U-shaped locks, are also rigid, which makes their placement quite complicated depending on the case.

We advise you to use the Foldy Lock Compact anti-theft device.

Handcuff anti-theft devices

anti vol menotte trottinette electrique

This new generation of handcuff locks lives up to its name. Indeed, seeing them, they are clearly a pair of handcuffs.

Quite light, easy to handle and transport, this type of lock is used quite easily without the disadvantages of U or folding locks which are too rigid. In addition, resistance seems to be there. 

This is truly the type of electric scooter anti-theft device that we recommend using. For example, the Master Lock Street Cuff anti-theft handcuff model.

Meilleur rapport qualité/prixÉtanche IPX7Save €200.00
Trottinette Électrique Occasion Inöe Sweemie 2 : Étanche et Fiable - WeebotTrottinette Électrique Inöe Sweemie 2 : Étanche et Fiable - Weebot
Inöe Inöe Sweemie 2 Electric Scooter: Waterproof and Reliable
Sale price€699.00 Regular price€899.00
In stock

3.    How to prevent the theft of an electric scooter

We have of course talked about the most common models of electric scooter locks. It should also be noted that anti-theft devices with alarms exist, as well as anti-theft devices with cameras, but this always works as a deterrent. Because as we pointed out from the beginning, there is no real miracle way to avoid theft if the person who commits it is determined and especially if you give them the opportunity.

The only really safe way would be to keep your electric scooter with you all the time, which depending on the situation can be complicated. Or rather depending on the location, in fact some stores or businesses will refuse to allow you to bring your machine with you inside.

It is therefore up to you to always keep an eye on your scooter, to not leave it unattended in risky places or even to leave it outside all night.

Conclusion on anti-theft devices for electric scooters

The new craze for this type of product makes it particularly prone to theft. This is something to take into account when purchasing the model you want (also think about electric scooter insurance ).

Of course, an electric scooter lock, given the price of an electric scooter, therefore seems necessary, even obligatory. Because even if current systems are not infallible, they remain sufficiently dissuasive and will certainly give you time to avoid theft.

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Marking the scooter, essential for the future in the event of theft

Mandatory since January 2021 for the purchase of new bicycles, marking with a unique number in a national file can now be extended to electric scooters . In the event of theft, it will then be possible to find your electric scooter more easily, thanks to the tamper-proof ICA Bike label



Si les menottes de Master Lock sont effectivement ergonomiquement pratiques, elles ne sont pas légères, et surtout la serrure est très fragile. J’en suis à ma 3ème paire et ce sera la dernière !!!


J’aurais bien fait de lire cet article car l’on m’a volé la mienne le 23 juillet

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