Conseils de sécurité pour les trottinettes électriques pour enfants - Weebot

Safety Tips for Electric Scooters for Kids

The electric scooter for kids is fun and stylish! Yes, just like adults, children can also enjoy the joy of riding this new device. With new regulations and accident risks, parents are asking the ...
Glisse Urbaine : Tout Savoir sur les Vélos & Trottinettes Électriques ! - Weebot

Urban Gliding: Everything You Need to Know About Electric Bikes & Scooters!

Urban Gliding is an art, a passion, an escape, adrenaline, and adventures. A global phenomenon that attracts a large number of gliding enthusiasts, not just in France. Through these lines, the Weeb...
Combien de temps faut-il pour charger une trottinette électrique ? - Weebot

How long does it take to charge an electric scooter?

Do you already ride an electric scooter or were you about to buy one? For fun or for daily commutes? You have surely wondered about the importance of charging time and its impact on battery life an...
Quel est l'avantage d'un fat bike électrique ? - Weebot

What is the advantage of an electric fat bike?

The electric fat bike revolutionizes the world of cycling by combining the practicality of a bicycle with the performance of an electric vehicle. With its oversized tires and electric assistance, i...
Combien de temps pour charger sa trottinette électrique ? - Weebot

How long does it take to charge your electric scooter?

Electric scooters are a revolution in the mobility market, particularly in urban areas where they are increasingly asserting themselves in the urban landscape. With the popularity of this means of ...
Comment se déroule une course de trottinette électrique ? - Weebot

How does an electric scooter race take place?

Electric scooters are a real revolution in terms of urban travel. They have many advantages such as saving money, respecting the environment, saving time and making travel more ergonomic. Following...
Conseils de sécurité pour les trottinettes électriques pour enfants - Weebot

Safety Tips for Electric Scooters for Kids

THE electric scooters for children have continued to gain popularity in urban mobility in recent years. This trend affects the entire population, regardless of social background and age groups. Pla...
Accidents Trottinettes Électriques : Comment les Éviter ? - Weebot

Electric Scooter Accidents: How to Avoid Them?

Electric scooters have become increasingly popular in urban mobility in recent years in France. They are found absolutely everywhere in large cities as well as in small towns. Their popularity is e...
Les avantages d'aller au travail en trottinette électrique

The advantages of the electric scooter for going to work

In recent years, electric scooters have revolutionized urban mobility. Today, speed is a primary criterion when choosing our means of transport. The electric scooter has therefore established itsel...
Où faire de la trottinette électrique tout terrain

Where to ride an all-terrain electric scooter?

Electric scooters are a real revolution in terms of urban mobility . In recent years, they have continued to become more popular in town and in the countryside. This means of transport has many adv...
Trottinettiste : Nouveau Nom pour les Utilisateurs de Trottinettes Électriques

Scooter: New Name for Electric Scooter Users

The list of words added to the 2025 edition of the Larousse dictionary has just been published. This annual update allows you to be aware of technological, social and cultural developments in Franc...
Où Acheter sa Trottinette Électrique ?

Where can you buy an electric scooter?

The electric scooter is today a major pillar of urban mobility. It shapes the urban landscape of all major metropolitan areas in France, and its market continues to grow. This can be explained by t...
Comment Gonfler les Pneus de sa Trottinette Électrique ? - Weebot

How to Inflate the Tires of your Electric Scooter?

In order to be able to use your electric scooter, you have to know how to maintain it and change parts when necessary. THE tires are one of the essential parts for the proper functioning of a scoot...
Le Casque est-il Obligatoire en Trottinette Électrique ? - Weebot

Is a Helmet Mandatory on an Electric Scooter?

The electric scooter has become widely popular in France in recent years. This means of transport is now in the urban landscape of all major French cities (Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux for example). This ...
Quel âge pour rouler en trottinette électrique en France ? - Weebot

How old to ride an electric scooter in France?

With a rapidly developing market in recent years, electric scooters have now become an integral part of the urban landscape. This personal mobility device offers a genuine alternative to tradition...
Les Meilleurs Endroits à Visiter à Courbevoie en Trottinette Électrique - Weebot

The Best Places to Visit in Courbevoie on an Electric Scooter

Courbevoie, a city located between the dynamism of the La Défense district and the calm of the banks of the Seine, has many places to discover during your electric scooter rides. After work accompa...
Les Meilleurs Endroits à Visiter à Boulogne Billancourt en Trottinette Électrique - Weebot

The Best Places to Visit in Boulogne Billancourt by Electric Scooter

Boulogne-Billancourt, with its rich history, is an ideal place for bike rides in an environment that harmoniously combines art and nature. The city is located near the Bois de Boulogne, also nickna...
Réglementation Panneau M12 : Législation S’applique Désormais aux EDPM Vélos et Trottinettes Électriques - Weebot

Regulations Panel M12: Legislation Now Applies to EDPM Electric Bikes and Scooters

According to a decree issued on March 15, 2024, the M12 sign now applies to motorized personal travel vehicles. With the rise in the use of scooters and electric bikes, it is imperative to adapt tr...
Masque Antipollution : Protégez-Vous Pendant vos Trajets en Trottinette Électrique - Weebot

Anti-Pollution Mask: Protect Yourself During Your Electric Scooter Rides

A real boon for some, useless for others, the anti-pollution mask has, in recent years, won over a large number of fans across France. Despite a design that may seem simple to some, its usefulness ...
5 conseils pour acheter une trottinette d'occasion sans pépins - Weebot

5 tips for buying a second-hand scooter without problems

Obtaining an electric scooter is not always easy because it represents a certain investment. To be able to enjoy the vehicle of your dreams, you can opt for a used electric scooter. To do this, you...
Comment prendre le train avec sa trottinette électrique ? - Weebot

How to take the train with your electric scooter?

In recent years, electric scooters have gained popularity and have slipped into the top spot of soft urban mobility. They not only allow for quick and pleasant journeys but also enable you to engag...
Skate Electrique SYLVER : la nouvelle marque française tendance - Weebot

SYLVER Electric Skateboard: the new trendy French brand

New to the electric skateboard market, the French manufacturer SYLVER focuses on the quality and performance of its boards. Thus, its products are able to provide the best skateboarding experience ...
Comment choisir un scooter électrique ? - Weebot

How to choose an electric scooter?

Electric scooters meet the needs of two-wheelers with their ease of use . Unlike their thermal equivalents, these have the advantage of being perfectly ecological and economical . They thus tend t...
Antivol Scooter Électrique : Comment se protéger au mieux du vol ? - Weebot

Anti-theft Electric Scooter: How best to protect yourself from theft?

Have you just purchased an electric scooter or are you planning to buy one, but the question of vehicle theft protection is bothering you? The choice of a lock is sometimes as complicated as that o...
Quelle subvention pour les scooters électriques et motos électriques ? - Weebot

What subsidy for electric scooters and electric motorcycles?

Practical and reliable, electric scooters have become very trendy in cities. If the purchase price still represents a brake on the development of this mode of ecological mobility, subsidies and gen...
Rétroviseur Vélo : Accessoire de Sécurité Indispensable - Weebot

Bike Mirror: Essential Safety Accessory

When purchasing a bicycle or electric bike , it generally does not have a rear-view mirror. This accessory can prove essential for even more safety and visibility on the road. Especially if you dri...
Le Marché des EDP poursuit sa croissance en France en 2020 - Weebot

The EDP market continues to grow in France in 2020

Sales figures for micro-mobility in France have just been released. The Federation of Micro-Mobility Professionals (FP2M) as well as the Smart Mobility Lab council confirm the growth in 2020 of the...
Casque Arai : Présentation de la marque de casque haut de gamme - Weebot

Arai helmet: Introducing the premium helmet brand

The history of the Arai helmet brand Created in 1926 , the Arai helmet brand was founded by the Japanese Hirotake Arai. This one designs motorcycle helmets in aerospace quality fiberglass in order...
Coronavirus : Revoyons nos façons de nous déplacer en prenant soin de nous ! - Weebot

Coronavirus: Let's review our ways of getting around while taking care of ourselves!

Let's rethink our ways of getting around today while taking care of ourselves in a post-coronavirus period! What if we (finally) helped our planet by improving our mobility? Covid-19 will completel...
Comment prendre un carrefour hollandais ? - Weebot

How to take a Dutch crossroads?

After the sustainability of coronapists for bicycles in 2020, the arrival on French territory of Dutch crossroads in 2021 (Dutch Junction) raises many questions. The city of Pantin in Seine-Saint-D...
Quel est le meilleur Hoverkart pour faire du Karting avec son Hoverboard ? - Weebot

What is the best Hoverkart for Go Karting with your Hoverboard?

The Hoverkart is the new fashionable accessory and it allows you to transform your Hoverboard into a karting in a few seconds. The Hoverkart arrived in France at the start of the year and it will c...
Quelle est la meilleure moto électrique de 2023 ? - Weebot

What is the best electric motorcycle of 2023?

With a market that is still in its infancy, the electric motorcycle is slowly starting to make its mark with motorcyclists. Unlike electric scooters, motorcycle users are sometimes reluctant to tr...
Quel est le meilleur scooter électrique 2023 ? Comparatif 50cc et 125cc - Weebot

What is the best electric scooter 2023? Comparison 50cc and 125cc

Over the past year, the fleet of ecological two wheels has grown considerably with ever more efficient models. What are the best models of 2023? At what price ?  For what autonomy? Do you want to t...
Quel Hoverboard acheter pour Noel ? - Weebot

Which Hoverboard to buy for Christmas?

Christmas is just around the corner and you start researching in December to buy a cheap hoverboard ? It's normal because this year again the hoverboard is a trendy gift for children and even older...
Les fournisseurs d'énergie s'adaptent à la mobilité verte - Weebot

Energy suppliers adapt to green mobility

Means of transport today represent a large part of global pollution . This is why it is necessary to act quickly to protect the planet and make our economy sustainable, in particular through green ...
Avis et comparatif des Skates Electriques Acton Blink - Weebot

Review and comparison of Acton Blink Electric Skateboards

Acton is an American manufacturer that offers a wide range of electric scooters, bicycles and skateboards . Based in California, it started its activity in 2013. Currently, it is represented in mor...
Avis et comparatif des Skateboards Électriques Elwing Powerkit - Weebot

Reviews and comparison of Elwing Powerkit Electric Skateboards

Created in 2015 thanks to a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, Elwing Tech continues its adventure and is now positioned among the pioneering manufacturers of “Made in France” skateboards. This st...
Quel équipement obligatoire pour rouler en scooter électrique ? Guide complet - Weebot

What equipment is required to ride an electric scooter? Complete Guide

Dear “Scooterists”! You who often take the road to go for a walk, do your shopping, go to work, see your friends, have a drink, visit or simply enjoy driving, you must protect yourself and your pas...
Comment recharger un scooter électrique ? - Weebot

How to charge an electric scooter?

Today, we are seeing a craze for electric-oriented urban mobility. Our habits are changing and we have to adapt by opting for good practices. Owner of an electric scooter , Weebot is talking to you...
Avis et Comparatif des Scooters Electriques NIU - Weebot

Reviews and Comparison of NIU Electric Scooters

Founded in 2014, the Asian manufacturer NIU has quickly become one of the leaders in the electric scooter market . And for good reason, it produces models that focus on technological innovation, ef...
Comment choisir un skate électrique ? - Weebot

How to choose an electric skateboard?

Very popular, the electric skateboard is a very trendy means of transport, ecological, and pleasant to use. Admittedly, the concept is not new, but the first electric skateboards were bulky and wei...
Quels permis ou formations pour conduire une moto ou un scooter électrique ? - Weebot

What permits or training to drive a motorcycle or electric scooter?

Driving an electric scooter is all about fun and passion. However, in the same way as other motorized vehicles, this entails certain formalities to be observed. In this article, we will review the...
Comment choisir une moto électrique ? - Weebot

How to choose an electric motorcycle?

It's decided, you're going to buy an electric motorcycle. Faced with the continuous rise in fuel prices and the price of used motorcycle parts , you have certainly made a good decision! If you are...
Livall BH51, le casque de vélo connecté au style urbain - Weebot

Livall BH51, the connected bike helmet with urban style

Urban travel has evolved enormously over the past 15 years, but there is little or no major change in terms of protection, although some models seem to stand out today. That's why we wanted to int...
Avis et comparatif des skates électriques Evolve : 6 modèles presque parfaits ! - Weebot

Opinion and comparison of Evolve electric skateboards: 6 almost perfect models!

The Australian brand Evolve was created in 2010 by extreme sports enthusiasts. It is renowned for its skateboards that are fast, elegant and comfortable. Currently, it offers three main ranges of e...
Quel Antivol choisir pour sa trottinette électrique ? - Weebot

Which anti-theft device to choose for your electric scooter?

Whether we like it or not, electric scooters can generate desire and given their price, it is logical to want to protect your property. Even if in the majority of cases the characteristic of the sc...
Avis et Comparatif des Motos Electriques Super SOCO - Weebot

Reviews and Comparison of Super SOCO Electric Motorcycles

In this super SOCO electric motorcycle review, we will focus more particularly on 3 flagship models of the Chinese brand: the Super SOCO TS 1200R, the Super SOCO TC and the Super SOCO TC Max.
Test du Skateboard Electrique Inboard M1 - Weebot

M1 Inboard Electric Skateboard Review

The youth of yesterday just like that of today still loves skateboarding. Both a sports support and a means of transport, it has been modernized over time. The electric skateboard then appeared und...
Test de la Gyroroue Electrique Ninebot One Z10 : une nouvelle référence dans son segment ! - Weebot

Test of the Ninebot One Z10 Electric gyro: a new benchmark in its segment!

If the American brand Solowheel was the first in the world to market a gyrowheel, the Chinese brand Ninebot has played an important role in promoting this new mode of urban transport, particularly ...
Thousand, le casque de vélo tendance au look vintage - Weebot

Thousand, the trendy bike helmet with a vintage look

Coming straight from California, Thousand brand helmets have made a remarkable appearance on the French market. Indeed, its vintage helmet look fits perfectly into the current trend. The Thousand ...

What is eco-mobility?

Sustainable mobility refers to actions created to make travel more environmentally friendly and thus reduce their ecological impact. The main objectives of eco-mobility are:

  • Limit the use of the car.
  • Favor the use of public transport.
  • Use sustainable means of transportation to stay active and protect the environment.
  • Make EDPMs such as electric scooters available to change the habits of urban users.

Promoting eco-mobility is one of Weebot’s main objectives. On our platform we are committed to offering you robust, quality and environmentally friendly means of transport in all circumstances.

Rules to follow when riding

When you ride in EDPM you must comply with certain rules:

  • You must drive carefully for your safety and that of others.
  • Driving while intoxicated is prohibited.
  • Driving EDMP is prohibited for children under 12 years of age.
  • You must not drive with more than one person in a vehicle.
  • It is prohibited to drive with your phone in your hand.
  • It is not recommended to use your headphones or earphones to hear what is happening around you.
  • It is advisable to insure your vehicle so that you are covered in the event of theft or accident.
  • It is prohibited to drive on a sidewalk.
  • You can park on the sidewalks as long as you do not disturb users.

Please note that when you do not comply with these few regulations you risk being fined or having your electrically assisted vehicle confiscated.

Possible sanctions you may face 

By not respecting the regulations in force, you risk fines. This is why it is important to be up-to-date on eco-mobility news as users. Here are some penalties you may face: 

  • Non-compliance with traffic rules or transport of a passenger: 35 euros fine.
  • Failure to wear a retro-reflective vest: 35 euros fine.
  • Unauthorized driving on the sidewalk or unauthorized unblocking of your vehicle: 135 euros fine.
  • If you drive above the speed limits (25 km/h): 1500 euros fine.

Fines may increase if you miss the payment deadline. Therefore, we recommend that you pay it as quickly as possible to avoid additional charges and possible seizure of your vehicle.

Our articles on the subject

It is not always easy to find your way around and yet as an owner of an electric vehicle or simply curious, it is sometimes interesting to look into the latest eco-mobility news. Indeed, it is one of the means of transport of tomorrow whose use could multiply over time.