An electric bike in 2022? There's nothing like it for riding while being respectful of your environment, for covering long distances without being too physically exhausted but also for moving freely while protecting your health and that of others. An investment that has never been such a good idea for you and your environment.

Take advantage of a subsidy for the purchase of an electric bike

Have you reviewed all the electric bikes you like and are finally ready to take the plunge? Would you like to benefit from electricity subsidies in France ?

Weebot supports you to inform you about the regulations in force. Indeed, read this article carefully and then it’s up to you to determine if you can benefit and thus save on the purchase of your future electric two-wheeled companion.

In order to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles and allow users to be able to acquire one despite an expensive cost, the State and local authorities have put in place financial aid of up to €500, say bonus electrically assisted bike.

Note that this aid is different depending on the region, so be careful and distinguish between the national subsidy (from the state) and the municipal subsidy (from your city).

Update of the Ile de France (IDF) electric bike subsidy as of January 1, 2022

In view of the health situation due to Covid-19 and following the deconfinement of the population, Ile-de-France Mobilités has decided to grant an exceptional bonus of €500 for the acquisition of an assisted bicycle electricsimple and can cost up to €600 for the purchase of a so-called cargo electric bike!

In addition, many cycle paths will be temporarily put in place to make your travel easier. Now is the time to take advantage of this boost without breaking the bank.

Please note that this aid concerns electric bikes purchased since December 1, 2019. To qualify for this assistance, simply go to the online portal and the IDF Mobilités region and register by presenting the requested supporting documents (invoice, copy of your CNI, certificate of approval or conformity of the vehicle and proof of address).

In addition, this bonus can only be requested once every 5 years and once this assistance has been received, you will not be able to resell your electric bike for 3 years following the request and/ or purchase of the latter.

More information about electrically assisted bicycles on theIle de France Mobilités website.

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Update of the State bonus in 2022

Article D251-2 of the Energy Code amended by Decree No. 2017-1851 of December 29, 2017 sets new conditions for granting aid for the purchase of an electric bicycle since February 1, 2018. .

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Who is eligible for the electric bike bonus?

To be eligible, you must be domiciled in France, be non-taxable for income tax in year n-1 and be recipient of local aid dedicated to the purchase of an electric bike.

What will be the amount of the ecological premium for VAE?

The amount of aid will be capped based on the following criteria:

- the amount of state aid cannot exceed the amount of aid granted by the local authority;

- the amount of the 2 cumulative aids cannot be greater than 20% of the acquisition cost or 200 euros.

Bonuses are also granted at the local level. Check with your town hall to find out the conditions for the electrically assisted bicycle bonus.

Regulations on electric bicycles

Definition of an Electric Assisted Bicycle

The characteristics allowing the name Electricly Assisted Bicycle (VAE) are strictly regulated by law.
A certain number of criteria must be met for a bike to fall into this category.

The electric bike must be:

  • sold,assembled, adjusted as well as accompanied by instructions
  • equipped with a lighting device and visual and audible signaling
  • equipped with two independent braking systems
  • equipped with triggering of the electric assistance only when pedaling
  • capable of cutting assistance at a speed of 25km/h
  • with a motor power not exceeding 250 Watts
  • equipped with recyclable batteries

If your electrically assisted bicycle does not meet one of these conditions it will then be classified as a moped and will require special approval.

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Registration document, insurance, wearing a helmet is compulsory?

Electric Bike Insurance

None of this is necessary even if wearing a helmet is always strongly advised by most bicycle sellers and strongly recommended by the vast majority of authorities of the various European countries.

In terms of insurance , the civil liability of your comprehensive home insurance will generally be sufficient. On the other hand, there are special VAE insurance policies which are often combined with bicycle identification (tracking) systems such as Bicycode .

Manufacture of Electric Bicycles

95% of electrically assisted bicycles, major brands and small brands combined, are manufactured in China. The origin of the bicycles is therefore not a criterion of differentiation in this matter.
However, the product being relatively new, the best rubs shoulders with the worst.

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The different subsidies for the purchase of an electric bike

There are two types of possible premium subsidies for the purchase of a new electric bike .

  • The State electric bike subsidy introduced on February 19, 2017 and still valid throughout France in 2020
  • aid and subsidies from local authorities and municipalities

It is important to specify that you cannot combine both types of subsidies. You must compare the different aids and choose the one that will be most advantageous for you.

The 2022 State electric bike subsidy

The framework of the electric bike subsidy

The amount of state aid is set at 20% of the acquisition cost, excluding options, all taxes included , without being more than €200.

It is valid for the purchase of electrically assisted bicycles since February 19, 2017 and still valid in 2022. Bicycles equipped with a lead-acid battery are excluded from the framework of the subsidy for the purchase of an VAE.

Assistance can only be paid once per person (physical and adult) even if you buy several electric bikes. In addition, it is only possible if the bicycle has not been sold by the purchaser within the year following its acquisition.

Here is the exact list of criteria to benefit from the State electric bike subsidy:

  • Buy a new VAE (Electricly Assisted Bicycle) that is not equipped with a lead-acid battery
  • Be non-taxable in year n-1
  • Be an adult natural person and be domiciled in France
  • Never have benefited from state aid for an identical purchase before
  • Ensure that the engine of your VAE corresponds to the criteria of the highway code
  • In force since February 2018: Have previously benefited from assistance from the local community of which you are a part

Conditions for reimbursement of aid

Your reimbursement request must be made via a form posted online by the Services and Payment Agency (ASP). A dedicated “Bonus Vélo” teleservice was set up on the occasion (it will be online on March 1, 2017).

Once your request has been completed on the teleservice, you will need to print the form, sign it and send your request to the ASP regional directorate.

You will be asked for a certain number of supporting documents:

  • Proof of address (in France) less than three months old
  • A copy of proof of identity
  • A copy of the electric-assisted bicycle invoice

For more information you can go directly to the ASP website .

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The list of electric bike subsidies for cities and regions 2022

To qualify for aid from your municipality, simply contact your town hall before purchasing your electrically assisted bicycle.

Our French municipalities can be generous, granting aid of up to €500 in normal times or even €600 for Ile-De-France at the end of this confinement for the purchase of a cargo bike.

Here is the list of cities that subsidize the purchase of electric bikes.

Cities - Urban areas Amount Maximum Link to the Bonus
Aix en Provence 25 % 250 € See Aix en Provence VAE Purchase Bonus
Aix les Bains 30 % 250 € See Prime Purchase VAE Aix les Bains
Angers 25 % 200 € FEET
400 € Cargo Bike
See Prime Purchase VAE Angers
Arcachon 137 € 300 € See Prime Purchase VAE Arcachon
Argonay 25 % 250 € Not renewed
Arras 30 % 300 € See Prime Purchase VAE Arras
Blois 25 % 400 € See Prime Purchase VAE Blois
Bordeaux 100 € See Bordeaux Electric Bike Subsidy
Bougival 250 € See Bonus VAE Bougival
Cannes 100 to 400 euros Not renewed
Caen 25% €150 to €350 See E-bike Purchase Assistance Caen
Cergy Pontoise 25% 250€ Not renewed
Château-du-Loire 25 % 150 € See VAE Purchase Help Château-du-Loire
Clermont de l'Oise 25 % 150 - 250 € See Bonus VAE Clermont de l'Oise
Colmar 200 € See Buying Guide EAB Colmar
race 25 % 500 € See Electric Bike Bonus Corsica
Daix (Pays d'Aix) 25 % 250€ See VAE Grant Daix
Dardilly 25 % 250€ See VAE Bonus Dardilly
Decazeville Aubin 25 % 250 € See VAE Decazeville Aubin subsidy
Epinal 50 % 150 € See VAE Grant Epinal
Epernay 20 % 200 € See VAE Grant Epernay
Grand Lac 200€ See VAE Grand Lac Bonus
Grand Nancy 30 % 250 € Not renewed
Grand Toulouse 25 % 200 € See Toulouse Electric Bike Subsidy
Ile de France 50% 500 € FEET
600€ Cargo Bike
See VAE Grant in Ile-de-France
Ile d'Oleron 10% 100 € See Prime VAE Ile d'Oleron
Isère (22 municipalities) 25 % 250 € Not renewed
La Rochelle 100 to 400 euros See La Rochelle Electric Bike Subsidy
La Roche sur Yon 15 % 150 € See VAE Purchase Help La Roche sur Yon
Lyon - Villeurbanne 500€ See VAE Grant Lyon
Century 40 % 400 € Not renewed
Chin 150 € See Prime Electric Bike Menton
Morning 150 - 250 € See VAE Bonus Mornant
Monaco 25 % 250 € See VAE Grant Monaco
Nantes Métropole 25 % 300 € Cargo Bike See Nantes Electric Bike Subsidy
(Mouth of the Rhone)
25 % 400 € See Prime VAE Marseille
Nevers 20 % 300 € See Electric Bike Bonus Nevers
Nice 25 % 250 € See Nice Electric Bike Subsidy
Occitanie (Region) 100€ See VAE Bonus Occitanie
Orleans 300€ Electric bike bonus in Orléans
Paris 33 % 400 € FEET
600 € Cargo Bike
See Paris Electric Bike Subsidy
Land of the Herbiers 20 % 150 € Not renewed
Plaine de l'Ain 15 % 300 € See Prime VAE Plaine de l'Ain
Poitiers 25 % 250 € See Poitiers Electric Bike Bonus
Rodez 200 € Not renewed
Romagnat 100 € See Romagnat Electric Bike Bonus
Rouen 30 % 300 € See Prime VAE Rouen
Rueil-Malmaison 500€ See Bonus VAE Ruil-Malmaison
Saint-Etienne 500€ See Bonus VAE Saint-Etienne
Seals 20 % 300 € Not renewed
South of Seine 200 € Not renewed
West Seine
(Grand Paris Seine Ouest)
200 € See VAE Bonus Grand Paris Seine Ouest
Toulon 250 € See Prime Electric Bike Toulon
Toulouse 200 € See Toulouse Electric Bike Bonus
Valves 25 % 300 € See VAE Grant in Vannes
Villecresnes 25 % 300 € Not renewed
Venelle 100 € See Aix Marseille Provence Metropolis
Villeneuve les Avignons 100 € See VAE Villeneuve les Avignons subsidy


Information for Parisians: who can benefit from the Paris electric bike subsidy?

  1. Individuals, limited to one vehicle per person.
  2. Companies established in Paris up to 10 electric two-wheelers per establishment. 

Lists of cities offering an electric bike kit subsidy

If the new electric bike benefits from purchase aid, this is also the case for an electric bike kit. In terms of aid, the Paris town hall is the most generous in France in offering an electric bike kit subsidy of up to 400 euros. The calculation is made at 33% of the purchase price of the electrification kit for your bike, installation included!

This bonus has been valid since January 1, 2018 and is aimed at Parisians wishing to convert their bikes to electric. It should be noted that this electric bike kit subsidy is a reimbursement upon presentation of the invoice only for approved conversion kits complying with the VAE standard. That is to say with a 250W motor with assistance up to 25 km/h only.

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Lists of cities offering assistance with the purchase of an electric bike kit

City of Paris: 33% of the purchase price, capped at 400 euros.

Toulon Provence Méditerranée urban area: 25% of the purchase price, capped at 250 euros.

Town of Vaucresson (92): 150 euros in purchasing assistance.

Town of Courbevoie (92): 25% of the purchase price, capped at 300 euros.

Bordeaux Métropole: 100 euros of assistance with the purchase of a bicycle kit

Up to 500 euros per year with a sustainable mobility package 

For users choosing this ecological mode of travel to get to work, it is possible to benefit from a bonus of 500 euros per year with the sustainable mobility package . Previously 400 euros per year per employee, the company can pay this sum tax exempt for the employee is also exempt from social security contributions for the employer . This new bonus also including the electric scooter (and other EDPMs such as electric skateboards, monowheels and self-balancing scooters) encourages the French to travel between home and work using clean post-confinement transport.

Note that employees choosing to deduct professional expenses for their actual amount must add the amount of the sustainable mobility package to their taxable income or not deduct the expenses corresponding to their travel between their home and their place of work.

Conclusion Electric Bike Subsidy

As you will have understood, numerous aids and subsidies exist due to the government's desire to develop eco-mobility for the sake of quality of life and ease of travel.

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