Combien d’enfants peuvent tenir dans un vélo électrique cargo ? - Weebot

How many children can fit in a cargo electric bike?

Thanks to their clever design, cargo electric bikes appeal to families looking for a vehicle that is both practical and eco-friendly for transporting their children. But the question arises: how ma...
Qui a inventé le vélo électrique ? - Weebot

Who invented the electric bicycle?

The electric bike is the new star of urban mobility. More eco-friendly, more practical, more fun, it has managed to win us over. But who came up with the idea of inventing the electric bike and for...
Vélo électrique biplace légal : tout savoir sur la réglementation - Weebot

Legal two-seater electric bike: everything you need to know about the regulations

E-bikes are the new preferred means of transport for city dwellers. The two-seater electric bike is increasingly appealing to many due to its practicality and ecological aspect, making it a perfect...
Réglementation pour les vélos électriques cargo - Weebot

Regulations for cargo electric bikes

Electric bikes have seen a real boom in recent years. They can be found in all major cities where they are establishing themselves as a practical and eco-friendly alternative to thermal vehicles. C...
Les Meilleurs Conseils pour le Velotaf ! Guide et Astuces - Weebot

Top Tips for Velotaf! Guide and Tips

While social distancing is still recommended, the electric bike is the ideal solution for going to work . If riding a bike is easier in summer, this is not necessarily the case in fall and spring. ...
Infraction à vélo : Connaissez-Vous le Montant des Différentes Amendes ? - Weebot

Cycling Infraction: Do You Know the Amount of the Different Fines?

More and more people have chosen the bicycle as a means of transportation. Between the end-of-year 2019 strikes and the current pandemic, bicycle use has jumped by more than 50% in France over the ...
Immatriculation vélo électrique obligatoire à 45 km/h - Weebot

Electric bike registration required at 45 km/h

Although the vast majority of electric bikes sold in France are eBikes limited to 25 km/h, it is still possible to buy a fast electric bike, called a Speed Bike. The latter cannot ride legally on p...
Pourquoi transformer son vélo classique avec un Kit Vélo Électrique - Weebot

Why transform your classic bike with an Electric Bike Kit

If you plan to switch to an electrically assisted bicycle soon, you have to choose between purchasing a new electric bicycle or using an electric conversion kit to adapt to a classic bicycle . The ...
Liste des Subventions pour l'achat d'un Vélo Électrique (Mis à jour 2022) - Weebot

List of Subsidies for the Purchase of an Electric Bike (Updated 2022)

An electric bike in 2022? There's nothing like it for riding while being respectful of your environment, for covering long distances without being too physically exhausted but also for moving freel...
Faut-il souscrire à une assurance vélo électrique ? - Weebot

Should I take out electric bike insurance?

More and more French people have taken the plunge by investing in electric bikes . Growth has been constant for several years in this new ecological means of travel and this trend is not ready to s...
Depuis Janvier 2021, le marquage des vélos devient obligatoire - Weebot

Since January 2021, the marking of bicycles has become mandatory

Having become one of the main obstacles to the daily practice of cycling , the theft of bicycles has prompted the government to react. Still in line with the objective set by the Mobility Orientat...
Etude : L’explosion des ventes de vélo électrique en France continue sa progression - Weebot

Study: The explosion of electric bike sales in France continues to grow

(Photo credit: TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP) After a slight upturn in 2017, the use of electrically assisted bicycles has continued to grow since then. Tired of taking their car, or public transport, the...

What the law says ?

According to the law, bicycles whose power does not exceed 250W or a speed of 25 km/h can travel with electric assistance. If he wants to go faster, the cyclist will not be able to pedal with his electric assistance. 

Additionally, e-bikes designed to be fast and reaching a top speed of 45 km/h are allowed to travel at this speed. This type of bicycle is similar to a moped and will therefore need to take out insurance and have an A, B or AM driving license to be used. In fact, you must respect the highway code adapted to this type of vehicle. The law of July 1, 2004 provides that the bicycle must be registered.

If a cycle path is available nearby, the cyclist is obliged to use it. Otherwise, he will have to go to another passable route for his two wheels. As for users of fast electric bikes, they will not be able to use the cycle paths. They must follow the moped signs and the roadway.

Safety rules when riding an electric bike 

When riding an electric bike, it is important to follow several safety rules. These rules allow you to protect yourself but also to protect pedestrians and other cyclists. Here is a list of some rules to follow when riding an electric bike: 

  • It is forbidden to wear headphones or check your phone on the road, in order to remain focused on the road and its surroundings. In the event of non-compliance with this legislation, you may be subject to a fixed fine of 135 euros.
  • As with driving a car, it is advisable not to drive without alcohol when driving your electrically assisted bicycle.
  • Helmets are mandatory for children under 12 and strongly recommended for adults.
  • Always use the cycle paths and lanes available for your electric bike. In the absence of tracks, travel on the right side of the road.
  • It is prohibited to travel on the sidewalks so as not to pose a danger to other users.
  • If you are riding in a group, be sure to travel in single file at a speed that respects the speed limit rules.

The protections you are entitled to as an electric bike driver 

Unlike car insurance, bicycle insurance is not compulsory but recommended. It is not uncommon for an electric bike to be stolen or for you to have an accident. For this it is important to take out insurance for your electrically assisted bicycle. It covers theft as well as damage that it could potentially suffer in the event of an accident.

Depending on the insurance you plan to subscribe to, the annual cost could vary between 4.5 and 7% of the purchase price of the electric bike. So for a bike costing more than €1000, bike insurance is a very good initiative. In addition, some insurance policies partially reimburse the cost of your electric bike.

The different types of electric bikes

Among all the electric bikes available on the market, there are different models for a specific audience. Here is a selection of the different types of electric bikes available on the market:

  • The city electric bike, perfectly suited to city trips.
  • The electric VTC generally used for short journeys.
  • The electric cargo bike to support and transport heavier loads or additional people. 
  • The perfect speed electric bike for speed enthusiasts, it allows you to complete a much longer journey in just a few minutes.
  • The folding electric bike to easily transport your two wheels on public transport or to climb the floors of your building without constraints.
  • If you wish to turn to an intense or professional sporting activity, we invite you to turn to a VTTAE model.

Our articles on this subject 

As a cyclist, you absolutely must know what legislation your electrically assisted bicycle is subject to. To do this, you must ensure that you find out as much as possible about the type of bike you have as well as the regulations in force. If you would like to find out more about electric bike news, do not hesitate to consult our various articles on the subject: