More and more people have chosen the bicycle as a means of transportation. Between the end-of-year 2019 strikes and the current pandemic, bicycle use has jumped by more than 50% in France over the last year.
But to ride an electric or mechanical bike, you must respect the traffic rules. Traffic, parking and equipment rules are established for the safety of everyone on the roadway.
Unfortunately often unknown to cyclists, we have listed the different possible offenses while cycling as well as the amount of the associated fine.
Reduced fixed penalty fine
The fines to be paid are generally fixed. You should know that if you receive a cycling fine, it can be reduced if you pay within 3 days.
On the other hand, the fine may be increased in the event of non-payment within 45 days. And it can quickly add up! Expect an increased fine of up to 375 euros in the event of forgetting or refusing to pay an offense of 135 euros within the allotted time.
Mandatory equipment for electric bikes
As a road user, using a bicycle requires some mandatory equipment. But do you really know them all? Failure to provide this equipment may result in a fixed fine in the event of an inspection by law enforcement.

Bicycle helmet compulsory for children
Although bicycle helmets are not compulsory for adults, they are for children up to 12 years old. So remember to equip your child if he or she rides a bike.
As an adult, a helmet is not yet compulsory but only strongly recommended. The majority of cycling accidents can result in head injuries. So it's never too late to equip yourself.
Beware of the bike's lighting
You may not know it, but you are required, when cycling, to have functional lighting to travel on the road. Your bike must therefore have a white front headlight, at least one red reflector at the rear and a reflector on the sides of the vehicle. Without this lighting on your bike, you are exposed to a fine of 11 euros.

This lighting is also valid for driving during the day. If you ride at night or in rainy weather, then you should wear a reflective vest to increase your visibility to other road users.
The bicycle bell
In case of danger and to make yourself heard on the road, a bicycle must be equipped with a bell . Be careful, because although this equipment is normally supplied with purchase, some manufacturers install an electric horn . This is the case for some electric bikes on the market, so be careful.
To be legal, the horn must not be electric but a mechanical “bell” or bell. Much less technological but nevertheless essential because it better meets safety standards. The sound of this alarm must therefore be heard up to 50 meters away.
Check your bike brakes
In the event of a police check, they can check the condition of your brakes. Every bike must have braking in good condition. If your bike is particularly old, think about this detail. Not only to avoid a potential fine, but above all for your own safety.
A simple adjustment may sometimes be necessary, such as maintenance or cleaning of the braking system, whether drum brake or disc brake. The brakes on your bike must be effective and it must be equipped with 2 braking systems in good condition.
It is imperative to have a brake at the front and another at the rear. The backpedaling found on the “ fixie bike ” must be supplemented by another, safer braking system.
If your bike does not have all the equipment mentioned above, you can easily repair this deficiency using our collection of bicycle accessories .

Traffic violations
Even if you already have knowledge of the highway code, certain specificities of the bicycle are generally not mentioned. This is why we list each possible cycling offense here to avoid any fines.
2nd class fixed fine: 35 euros

The most well-known offense among cyclists is being fined by the police for Illegal parking from his bike.
But did you know that you are in violation of cycling when you are riding 2 on the same bike ? Even in the case of a two-seater saddle on your bike. There is still tolerance on the part of the police.
This is also the case if you do not indicate with your arm in the right direction when you turn on your bike. The same goes if you make yourself tow by bike by another vehicle on a public highway. This is far too dangerous and can earn you a fine of 35 euros.
The last point of verbalization is even more surprising. It is possible, according to the law in force, to be penalized while driving more than 2 bikes side by side. With family or friends, it is therefore not possible to drive head-on across the entire roadway. You must take and stay on the cycle path in single file.
4th class fixed fine: 135 euros

This last class of offense is the highest non-recidivist or circulation on a unapproved or unrestricted electric bike. Riding a bike is an activity that requires constant attention. Especially since when cycling you have little protection.
To do this, you need to be vigilant and have an attentive ear to the external environment. This is why it is forbidden to ride a bike with headphones or a helmet. This will cost you 135 euros in fines.

In addition, holding your smartphone in your hand while riding is also a reason for an offense. As well as if you use it. If you want to use the GPS mode of your phone, you must have a smartphone holder to install on the handlebars.
When cycling, you are required to ride on the cycle path if it is available. By cycling on the sidewalk, you are in violation and liable, again, to a fine of 135 euros. You also cannot take the streets in the prohibited direction, unless indicated by a sign.
When there are no cycle paths, to overtake a car, you have to overtake on the left. Going up a line of cars on the right is far too dangerous for your safety.
Many cyclists go through red lights regardless of safety. It is possible to pass a stop sign or a red light only if the yellow and red triangular sign indicates so. But only according to the direction of the arrow indicated on the sign.
The last case of class 4 fine is if you are stopped by the police while drunk on your bike.

Here are the 2 questions most frequently asked by bicycle users.
Can you challenge a bicycle fine?
It is indeed possible, like any road user, to contest a fine received while cycling. The modalities vary depending on the type of verbalization.
For more information, visit the government website THOUGH (National Agency for Automated Crime Processing).
Can you have points taken off your driving license?
To answer as directly as possible, NO it is not possible to lose points on your driving license after a cycling offense. However, in the event of serious offenses committed while cycling (hit-and-run, endangering others or driving while drunk), the courts may decide to apply an additional penalty such as suspension or cancellation of your driving license. If you have one of course.