In 2023 with the explosion in sales of electric scooters, we are a long way from the time when this machine was reserved exclusively for children. Quite the contrary and in order to offer new products, the fast electric scooter is being pushed further and further to its limits.

These new vehicles armed with dual motors can even exceed the 100 km/h mark and directly compete with the electric scooter and the electric motorcycle. 

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What is a fast electric scooter?

According to the latest law of July 2020 , the speed of EDPMs (motorized personal transport vehicles) on public roads is limited to 25 km/h. So what qualifies as a fast electric scooter ?

It is therefore ultimately a fairly subjective term. A motorized vehicle that can travel at a speed of 35 km/h, like the E-Twow GT 2020 for example, could therefore be classified as a fast electric scooter. 

However in this article we will deal with the fastest electric scooters! Motorized vehicles capable of reaching more than 100 km/h top speed. Whether for daily commutes or long trips out of town, it's always nice to be able to drive at high speed. But once again, pay attention to the regulations!

Start of the Electric Skootr Championship

But the models that we are going to present to you are not reserved for all riders. Be careful because driving at this speed is only legal, according to the law, on circuits and private roads .

Sporty scooter riding is on the rise. A circuit championship called Electric Skootr Championship , the qualifying phases of which have already started, will soon see the best drivers compete. The circuits traced in the biggest cities in the world already make drivers tremble.

On a scooter, we are very vulnerable to accidents , even more so than on scooters and motorcycles which have better stability. We also remind you that the use of an electric scooter is reserved for people over 12 years old .

These ultra-fast scooters must be handled with care to avoid falls or traffic accidents. With constant innovations, these fast electric scooters are therefore sporting machines. It is therefore important to be well equipped to ride safely.

Fast electric scooter motors

If lightweight electric scooter models generally only have one motor (in the front wheel or the rear wheel), very fast models are equipped with two high-performance brushless motors generally of at least 1000W each.

If the motors allow you to reach high speed, they are also practical for delivering sufficient power on slopes without losing too much cadence. The weight of the user therefore has a much lesser impact on performance compared to a scooter with a single motor.

These “brushless” motors run on alternating current and although they do not require maintenance, they are more energy intensive due to their high power. This is why super fast electric scooters have very large batteries.

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The battery of a fast electric scooter

The battery of a very fast electric scooter is an essential element in addition to the motors. In order to propel them, they must deliver sufficient current, while allowing them to be used for a satisfactory amount of time. There would be no point in having a fast electric scooter to ride at 100 km/h for just one kilometer.

This is why these ultra-fast two-wheelers are supplied with an imposing battery, sometimes weighing several dozen kilos. Placed in a thick deck, the necessary power is available right under the user's feet.

Previously lead, the batteries will now be all lithium in 2023. By being lighter, they allow the scooter to offer much better performance. Where the problem lies is in the price of the materials which are relatively more expensive than lead by being rarer.

To use a fast electric scooter, you must take into account the use you want to have with this sporty two-wheeler. In order not to have a problem moving around, one of the other advantages of the lithium battery is that it can be recharged more quickly, without having the memory effect.

This means that it is no longer useful to have to wait until the battery is almost empty to recharge it. With a lithium battery, it is possible to recharge it at any time while maintaining a good lifespan as we reported in our article on maintaining an electric scooter .

For several months, manufacturers of fast electric scooters have been using the latest generation cells called lithium-ion. 21700. These have the particularity of offering better density. To put it simply, it is possible to have a larger capacity battery in an equal volume.

Reducing the number of cells (or batteries) allows the battery to be better centered inside the deck. This also helps to improve balance and driving pleasure.

By reducing the number of cells inside, the different elements of the circuit are simplified, such as the number of connections and solders. The 21700 cells therefore help to lighten the whole thing very slightly and simplify the assembly of the batteries. 

What are the fastest electric scooters?

classement trottinette électrique plus rapide

Top 5 fast electric scooters

If the Minimotors brand with its “Dualtron” reigns supreme in the range of the best fast electric scooters, in 2023 they are no longer the fastest on the market.

One model in particular exceeds the famous Dualtron X-2 in pure top speed. But the Rion Thrust electric scooter is difficult to find in France due to its low production in the United States. It is also not approved for driving on public roads in France, unlike its competitors.

Here is our comparison of ultra-fast electric scooters ranked in order of speed.

Electric Scooter Rion Thrust

trottinette électrique rion thrust carbone caractéristiques 120 km/h

It is THE fastest electric scooter in the world in 2023. It can reach a maximum speed of 125 km/h! This surprising machine is built by hand in California . Available only on order, it takes approximately 200 days to receive this machine designed primarily for circuit driving. That shows the power of the machine!

Designed especially for racing, this super sporty electric scooter is made largely of carbon fiber in order to reduce its weight as much as possible and increase performance.

Unlike all its competitors which flirt with, or even exceed, 50 kg, theRion Thrust weighs only 31 kg. Reserved for competition, the most powerful electric scooter is not approved for public roads because it is not limited to 25 km/h as required by French regulations.

With itsSamsung 88V 30Ah lithium battery, it is possible to drive this vehicle over a distance of up to 70 km. To do this you will have to use the lightning acceleration sparingly and ride at a slightly slower speed. In dynamic driving, you will have to be content with around 40 km.

Its two brushless motors deploying 21700W of power can be compared with the Dualtron Thunder which is 4 times less powerful (5400W). Safety is therefore emphasized on this product in order to contain the power of the beast with high-end hydraulic disc brakes and suspensions (front and rear) ensuring incredible road holding.

Benefits of the Rion Thrust electric scooter

  • The fastest scooter on the market
  • Lightweight (31 kg) for a powerful electric scooter thanks to carbon
  • Handcrafted in California to order
  • Very different look from other super fast electric scooters

Disadvantages of the Rion Thrust electric scooter

  • Illegal to drive on public roads in France
  • No speedometer on the handlebars


Dualtron X-2 Electric Scooter

trottinette électrique dualtron x-2 minimotors 110 km/h

In 2019, the Minimotors brand struck a major blow in the range of fast electric scooters with its Dualtron X. Equipped with two 3360W brushless motors, the Dualtron

Its replacement, the Dualtron X-2, still exceeds expectations. To reach this time the maximum speed of 110 km/h , despite its 66 kg, the most powerful Minimotors deploys 8300W.

To power these powerful motors, Dualtron has equipped its all-terrain scooter with an LG 72V 45Ah lithium battery in order to have a machine that is both super powerful while being able to use it for very long hours. It's very simple, it is possible to reach 200 km of autonomy with the best Dualtron electric scooter from Minimotors.

With such power, it is mandatory to have suspensions, tires and brakes designed to match the engines. Configurable in 19 different positions, the Dualtron X-2's suspension perfectly absorbs road vibrations, combined with the wide 13-inch tubeless tires, even at high speed.

Far from the scooter you come across in town, the Dualtron X-2 requires the utmost caution from the rider. It is, to date, the fastest electric scooter approved for use in the city.

Advantages of the Dualtron X-2 electric scooter

  • Very long autonomy (200 km)
  • The Dualtron quality
  • Suspensions adjustable up to 19 positions
  • 13-inch extra-wide tires

Disadvantages of the Dualtron X-2 electric scooter

  • Heavy, very heavy (66 kg)
  • Very limited stock


Trottinette Electrique Weped SS-T (Weebot x Weped)

trottinette électrique weped ss-t caractéristiques

Offered by Weebot in collaboration with the Weped brand, the SS-T is a super fast all-terrain scooter model. The South Korean brand offers a powerful machine capable of reaching a maximum speed of 110 km/h . Unlike the Rion, the Weped SS-T has a significantly larger Samsung 72V 45Ah lithium battery to provide a range of 150 km .

Featuring a particularly advanced design and finish, this ultra-sporty high-end electric scooter still weighs 52 kilos with its large deck. Nothing to do with the Rion Thrust made largely of carbon fiber. Equipped with two brushless motors with a power of10,000W, the chassis of the Weped is made of reinforced 6061 aluminum. This can withstand peak power of 30,000W!

This fast electric scooter can climb slopes of up to 40% while supporting a load of 150 kg. With its LDPS compressed air suspension and flat tires designed especially for it, the Weped SS-T offers everything you would expect from a fast, high-end electric scooter.

Advantages of the Weeped SS-T electric scooter

  • Very high-end build quality
  • Long battery life
  • Compressed air suspensions

Disadvantages of the Weeped SS-T electric scooter

  • Weight of 52 kg
  • Visible screws giving it a massive appearance
  • Difficult to find
  • Flat tires not appreciated by everyone


Dualtron Thunder 2 Electric Scooter

trottinette électrique dualtron thunder 2 caractéristiques

For a long time, the Dualtron Thunder was considered the fastest electric scooter for thrill seekers.

Initially this was to be replaced by the Dualtron Storm which was released at the beginning of 2021. If the Storm found its place in the Minimotors range with its removable battery, the Korean manufacturer went even further by creating the Thunder 2 available from October 2021. A real power monster of 10080W peak and its 60A controller!

The Dualtron Thunder 2 electric scooter reaches amaximum speed of 100 km/h. Dualtron's fastest electric scooter after the X-2.

Very robust with its weight of 47 kg, it can be driven for approximately 170 km at most thanks to a 72V 40Ah lithium battery. Its hydraulic disc brakes ensure the safety of the machine, as do its quality suspensions and its wide 11-inch tires.

Advantages of the Dualtron Thunder 2 electric scooter

  • Much “lighter” than a Dualtron X-2
  • 60A controller in Boost mode
  • Good value for money in the range of the best fast electric scooters
  • Raised brake light on the running board
  • Great autonomy
  • An even stronger crutch

Disadvantages of the Dualtron Thunder 2 electric scooter

  • Not out yet


Nami Burn-E Viper Electric Scooter

trottinette électrique nami viper burn-e caractéristiques

No one expected it on the sports electric scooter market but the Nami Viper has made a place in the hearts of riders in 2023. This model presents itself as a particularly all-terrain electric scooter. fast.

This new machine offers a power of 8400W for 47 kg. Enough to reach the bar, too, of 100 km/h top speed. Its chassis gives it a look that stands out compared to other models of fast electric scooters.

Its careful construction makes it one of the most water-resistant electric scooters according to its users. An astonishing power-to-weight ratio that brings it closer to the Thunder 2. With its lower capacity internal battery 72V 35Ah, the Nami Viper can reach 150 km.

Even if your battery is at the end of its life, at weebot we offer you all the types of batteries you need to regain the previous performance of your scooter.

If you have any doubts or would like a personalized service on this subject, do not hesitate to click on the banner below to benefit from a free personalized service! All you have to do is answer a short questionnaire so that you will be contacted very quickly about your request!

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One of its strong points is to offer, in addition to its enormous driving capacity, a quality display on the handlebars. Like a real smartphone, this display is particularly well finished and offers a higher level of information compared to the famous classic display from Minimotors.

Advantages of the Nami Viper electric scooter

  • One of the best value for money on the market
  • Particularly well constructed (improved waterproofing)
  • Full display at the handlebar
  • Look unique

Disadvantages of the Nami Viper electric scooter

  • A little more expensive than the future Thunder 2

Tips for choosing the right powerful electric scooter

Beyond pure speed, it is important to be interested in the use you want to make of your very fast electric scooter. If autonomy plays a big role, just like the quality of manufacture and the possible adjustment of the stem in height are important elements before feeling good at the handlebars of these particularly fast motorized machines.

But to drive carefully, always on a private road or circuit, it is also essential to be well equipped to protect yourself in the event of a fall. Numerous pieces of equipment are available to improve your safety while riding these high-performance vehicles.

Equipment for riding fast: helmet for fast electric scooter

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Although a helmet is not required to ride an electric scooter, it seems wise to equip yourself with a helmet when riding a fast electric scooter. Knowing that speed is the number one cause of falls and that in 40% of cases, head injuries occur, a helmet is essential for your safety.

Several types of helmets exist and we advise you, for your safety and comfort, to invest in a snowboard helmet or motorcycle helmet rather than a bicycle helmet which protects the skull a little less. It is important to choose a helmet that you like because the helmet that protects you best is the one that you always wear with you when using a super sporty electric scooter.

Equipment for driving fast: steering damper

Relatively little known to scooter users, the steering damper helps prevent what is called handlebaring. But what is steering? It is a phenomenon of very rapid left-right oscillation of your handlebars that is often impossible to control.

amortisseur direction trottinette électrique steering damper

When riding at high speed, even the best fast electric scooters can become uncontrollable when approaching their maximum speed or when the front tire comes off the road after going over a bump. This phenomenon can therefore happen more quickly than we think. To avoid this, it is important to check the condition of the suspensions of your speed scooter. If the adjustment of these is too firm, it is possible to experience this steering effect when the wheel hits the ground.

In addition, it is useful to invest in a steering damper to counter this dangerous phenomenon. The shock absorber will then prevent the left-right effect from lock to stop as much as possible for safer driving of your super fast electric scooter.

Equipment for riding fast: gloves

If the most important protection on a fast electric scooter is the helmet, gloves undoubtedly come in second place. Your hands can suffer heavy damage during a fall at very high speed. When riding at high speed, the gloves protect the hands from the cold and improve grip on the handlebars, especially over long distances.

It's up to you to choose between textile gloves and leather gloves. There are all kinds of them, offering more or less protection depending on your use of a fast electric scooter.

Equipment for riding fast: speed glasses

To avoid getting the wind in your eyes, speed glasses are ideal for fully enjoying your ride at high speed. If you have previously invested in a scooter helmet with a visor then there is no point in wearing glasses.

But in the case of wearing a helmet without a visor, it may be wise to equip yourself with a pair of speed glasses that protect you from both the wind and the sun on certain models. Their advantage, unlike a classic pair of glasses, is that they attach with an elastic strap and thus stay firmly on your eyes. You will never lose sight of the road at high speed!

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If the best fast electric scooters are not reserved only for athletes, it is important to keep in mind that these machines must be used with good precautions.

When riding a scooter, we are very vulnerable to falls and accidents, particularly when riding at high speed. We therefore advise you to be careful and well equipped when you take the handlebars of a fast scooter.

The power of these high-performance machines requires a learning time in order to master your vehicle but once this milestone has been reached, the driving pleasure will take place for lovers of thrills >.

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