Comparatif des petites trottinettes électriques pour monter les côtes - Weebot

Comparison of small electric scooters for climbing hills

In the world of electric scooters, lightness can rhyme with performance. Indeed, it is not necessary for an electric scooter to be ultra-powerful or dual-motor to climb hills. Sometimes, it is just...
Comparaison de la Trottinette Électrique Dualtron Togo VS Segway - Weebot

Comparison of the Dualtron Togo Electric Scooter VS Segway

Over the years, the market for electric scooters has undergone significant evolution. Brands have gradually imposed their style, much to the delight of wheelers. Today, two of them largely dominate...
Comparatif meilleures trottinettes électriques 2025 - Weebot

Comparison of the best electric scooters 2025

Compact and maneuverable, electric scooters are now seen on all the roads in France. Less expensive than electric bikes for the most part, they are especially very practical and bring joy to many c...
Différences entre les modèles de trottinettes électriques enfant et adulte - Weebot

Differences between child and adult electric scooter models

Practical, ecological, and fun, the adult electric scooter makes us forget the hassles of traffic jams and changes the way we see the world around us. This new mode of transport is not just for adu...
Comparatif LCD Minimotors : Choisir son display EY pour 2024 ? - Weebot

LCD Minimotors comparison: Choosing your EY display for 2024?

During your electric scooter rides, it is important to know how to manage the various information linked to your scooter, whether it is your speed or the battery percentage. To do this, Minimotors ...
Meilleures Offres de Trottinettes Électriques Dualtron en 2024 : Dolphin, Togo, et Popular - Weebot

Best Dualtron Electric Scooter Deals in 2024: Dolphin, Togo, and Popular

This year, France has experienced significant price inflation compared to other years, prices continue to rise in every area like the price of gasoline. To remedy this, some households have chosen ...
Éclairer la nuit : les meilleurs éclairages pour un trajet nocturne optimal - Weebot

Light up the night: the best lighting for an optimal nighttime journey

When night falls, visibility becomes crucial, especially during your electric scooter rides. To ensure your safety and that of others, equipping yourself with the best LEDs for electric scooters is...
Les meilleures trottinettes électriques à offrir pour votre Noël 2024 - Weebot

The best electric scooters to give for your Christmas 2024

The end of year holidays are just around the corner, it's the time of year when we give gifts to the people we love most, whether for ourselves or for our loved ones. Weebot therefore offers you it...
Notre top 3 des meilleures trottinettes électriques trois roues - Weebot

Our top 3 of the best three-wheel electric scooters

There are many types of electric scooters on the urban mobility market. Each scooter model has its own strengths and features. This is also the case for three-wheel electric scooters. Weebot tells ...
Pourquoi opter pour une trottinette avec clignotants ? - Weebot

Why choose a scooter with indicators?

To reduce the risk of road accidents: anticipation is the key! You must not be surprised by other road users, which is why it is essential to anticipate your changes of direction. To do this, we re...
Les meilleures trottinettes à grande autonomie : Notre sélection - Weebot

The best long-range scooters: Our selection

When investing in a scooter, autonomy is a main criterion. The latter depends on many factors that should not be overlooked. It is this parameter that will allow you to move for a certain distance,...
Comparatif trottinettes électriques Teverun : la nouvelle marque de référence - Weebot

Teverun electric scooter comparison: the new reference brand

The Teverun brand is entering the electric scooter market thanks to the Blade Scooter and Minimotors association. It offers high-performance scooters with a robust design that have won over many us...
Quelle est la meilleure trottinette électrique à moins de 500 euros ? Notre comparatif - Weebot

What is the best electric scooter under 500 euros? Our comparison

Electric scooters are practical means of transport in everyday life. However, many models are not accessible to everyone. That’s why some brands have decided to offer entry-level electric scooters....
Trottinette électrique puissante : Quelle marque choisir ? - Weebot

Powerful electric scooter: Which brand to choose?

Before any purchase, it is important to know what qualities you are looking for in your scooter so that its use meets your needs. There are many criteria to consider when buying your first electric...
Comparatif trottinettes électriques Inöe : la marque française - Weebot

Comparison of Inöe electric scooters: the French brand

On the electric scooter market, Inöe electric scooters stand out with models that are both stylish and comfortable. Despite their low prices, the quality of Inöe scooters is undeniable. Although re...
Top 8 : Quelle est la meilleure trottinette électrique tout terrain ? - Weebot

Top 8: What is the best all-terrain electric scooter?

Increasingly popular, all-terrain electric scooters appeal not only for their practicality of use, but also for their high performance. It is a wise investment for lovers of nature and adventure. S...
Pulsar, la trottinette électrique des marques Weebot et Eroz - Weebot

Pulsar, the electric scooter from the Weebot and Eroz brands

The Weebot Eroz Pulsar electric scooter is the first fully designed two-wheeler from the weebot and Eroz brand alliance. Remember, we presented to you the French brand EROZ which had decided to sha...
EROZ, des trottinettes électriques puissantes - Weebot

EROZ, powerful electric scooters

EROZ: An innovative brand with powerful electric scooters The new electric scooter brand EROZ is making a remarkable entry into the electric scooter market. A bold entry in terms of quality and ...
Trottinette électrique batterie amovible - Weebot

Removable battery electric scooter

Two major developments are expected on electric scooters in 2023. The first being better resistance of the products to water . The second is also borrowed from the design of self-service electric s...
Faut-il Acheter la Trottinette Électrique Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 3 ? - Weebot

Should You Buy the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 3 Electric Scooter?

Xiaomi, the world leader in the electric scooter market, is marketing its brand new model, the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 3. The Chinese brand returns a year after the release of its Xiaomi Mi Pro ...
Quand les constructeurs automobiles se mettent à la trottinette électrique - Weebot

When car manufacturers start using electric scooters

The demand for the electric scooter has been booming since its arrival on the urban electric mobility market. Adaptable to individual needs and respectful of the environment, the electric scooter h...
Quelle est la meilleure trottinette électrique 350w ? - Weebot

What is the best 350w electric scooter?

When you are new to the world of electric scooters, many users are looking for a product that is easy to use. With a 350W brushless motor, the electric scooter is a good way to get around town on a...
Quelle est la meilleure trottinette électrique 500w ? - Weebot

What is the best 500w electric scooter?

After the 2000W electric scooters , we have chosen to talk to you about the 500W scooters. Intended mainly for city driving, these two wheels are a good compromise between power and compactness. Fi...
Quelle est la meilleure trottinette électrique 2000W ? Notre Comparatif - Weebot

What is the best 2000W electric scooter? Our Comparison

With the democratization of electric scooters , you have probably already ridden on an entry-level model like the free-floating ones available in the streets of your city for example. But you may h...
Top 5 : Quelle est la Meilleure Trottinette Électrique Rapide ? - Weebot

Top 5: What is the Best Fast Electric Scooter?

In 2023 with the explosion in sales of electric scooters, we are a long way from the time when this machine was reserved exclusively for children. Quite the contrary and in order to offer new produ...
Quelle est la meilleure Trottinette Électrique à Petit Prix ? Notre Comparatif - Weebot

What is the best electric scooter at a low price? Our Comparison

In this comparison of the best electric scooter at an affordable price, we give you the keys to making the right choice. Ifvalue for moneyis important, low-cost models are good travel solutions for...
TOP 5 : Trottinette Électrique Légère pour la ville - Weebot

TOP 5: Light Electric Scooter for the city

Lightweight electric scooters are on the rise. Convenient due to their very low bulk, they are easy to transport as a complement to journeys on public transport. But also for storing at home, espec...
Quelle trottinette électrique choisir pour rouler sous la pluie ? - Weebot

Which electric scooter to choose to ride in the rain?

More and more of you are choosing the electric scooter to get to your workplace. Unfortunately, the sun is not always there in the morning and you wonder about the possibility of using your two-whe...
Top 7 des Trottinettes électriques avec selle : Guide d'achat et Comparatif - Weebot

Top 7 Electric Scooters with Saddle: Buying Guide and Comparison

Thanks to its small footprint, the electric scooter with seat, removable or not, can offer the same level of comfort as an electric scooter with much more versatility . We can clearly say in 2023 t...
Comparatif des Trottinettes Electriques E-TWOW : Guide d'achat 2023 - Weebot

Comparison of E-TWOW Electric Scooters: Buying Guide 2023

In the small world ofadult electric scooters, the E-TWOW brand has become the benchmark for several years for users wishing to easily transport their two-wheelers everywhere with them. Whether in t...
Comparatif des trottinettes électriques Ninebot E22E, E25E et E45E - Weebot

Comparison of Ninebot E22E, E25E and E45E electric scooters

After buying the American company Segway in 2015, the Chinese manufacturer Ninebot based in Beijing is now owned by the giant Xiaomi hence the strong resemblance with the famous Xiaomi electric sco...
Comparatif des trottinettes électriques Xiaomi Essential, 1S et Pro 2 - Weebot

Comparison of Xiaomi Essential, 1S and Pro 2 electric scooters

Mainly known for its affordable smartphones, Xiaomi launched its M365 electric scooter internationally in 2018, which was a dazzling success with the general public. The Chinese group has surfed th...

How to choose your electric scooter?

Before making any purchase of electric scooters, you must take into account several basic characteristics to have a model that can meet your expectations. Here are some features to consider: 

  • Battery life
  • The type of engine
  • The size but also their types of wheels
  • Engine power
  • Battery power
  • The braking system used
  • The size of the deck
  • The lighting system available
  • The weight to bear
  • The ability to ride on difficult terrain or to climb slopes
  • Additional accessories available (LCD screen, Bluetooth connection etc.)

What is the right price for an electric scooter?

It all depends on the model you are looking for. There are many types of scooters at different prices and offering different services. You can find very good scooters at low prices if you want to buy your first electric scooter. In this case, you can opt for models around 500 euros.

If you want a powerful scooter with optimal performance or you are a fan of speed, you should probably look at much more expensive models. A scooter costing almost 1000 euros should suit you in this specific case.

Please note that the price also increases depending on the components of your electric scooter. A powerful scooter will therefore have more powerful and more expensive materials, particularly in terms of its battery and its motor. It will also have additional features to improve your driving comfort. 

Essential accessories for your electric scooter 

Buying an electric scooter is only the first part of your adventure in the world of urban mobility. It is also essential to have additional accessories to accompany you on the road. They will allow you to ensure your comfort but also your safety once you have your electric scooter in hand.

As with cycling or motorcycles, it is important to protect your body with gloves, helmets or other items. You can also equip your scooter with saddlebags so you can easily store your belongings once you're on the road. 

Safety on board your electric scooter

It is important to be able to see and be seen but also hear and be heard once on board your scooter. It is therefore recommended to opt for scooters with front and rear lighting. To do this, you can invest in additional headlights. If you are driving at night we also recommend that you wear clothing visible in the dark in addition to your vehicle's headlights.

To make this heard, nothing better than a small bell. By investing a few extra euros you will be able to make yourself heard by passers-by and vehicles that you may encounter on your route. When you ride we also recommend that you avoid wearing headphones so you can hear what is happening around you and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Our articles on the subject 

Weebot supports you throughout your purchasing process. So, if you don't know which brand to turn to or which electric scooters to opt for, don't hesitate to consult our numerous comparisons.