As is customary at the start of the year, Weebot invites you to share its results for the previous year. Between the Covid period, the company's dazzling development and a move to larger premises in the process, the year 2020 has not been easy for Weebot.
Review of the year 2020 for Weebot
If each year Weebot progresses by developing by leaps and bounds, 2020 has, like for many companies, been a real upheaval. After a very promising start to the year , Weebot has grown considerably to meet the ever-increasing demand from users for eco-mobility.
Our team has seen a lot of new talent arrive to develop the Weebot brand. If the first confinement was able to be crossed thanks to a very close-knit team , it still managed to particularly weaken our after-sales service in the repair of electric scooters . Indeed, working with a very small team, our service was overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task between the months of March to June 2020.
A colossus with clay feet jostled by the Covid crisis
If blaming this global pandemic may seem very easy at first sight, it is nevertheless inseparable from the crisis that we encountered in the after-sales service. With the impossibility of receiving the parts on time due to transport problems or downright factory shutdowns, we have somehow tried to meet the demands of our customers. We would also like to thank them on this occasion for their patience and understanding.
This crisis will have at least allowed us to highlight our shortcomings and Weebot has fully heard your criticisms of our electric scooter and electric scooter repair service . We have therefore worked tirelessly during the end of 2020 to progress in this area in order to provide the best service to our customers while minimizing the impact of the virus.
Larger premises to meet demand
At Weebot we are fully aware that our technical repair service is essential in order to grow the company and that it makes all the difference when making your purchase with us. A key point in the face of competition from major distributors.

In October 2020, our repair department moved to new larger, better equipped premises , with an enlarged team in order to offer you a quality service. Our premises in Saint-Denis have moved to Boulogne-Billancourt in order to maximize our efficiency in repairing your products.
The arrival in Boulogne-Billancourt was also accompanied by procedures put in place to improve productivity and quality of work.
Updating procedures for quality technical service
With all the necessary tools, our after-sales service has made significant progress with a well-rehearsed team. This is our greatest satisfaction of the year and we would like to emphasize the enormous work of our teams to move in this direction. Your customer satisfaction is our satisfaction at Weebot .
How does our After-Sales Service work?
To repair your electric scooter or one of the many other vehicles we sell, our after-sales service has grown from 3 to 15 people . We have retained, despite the increase in our teams, our customer proximity so that each of our employees knows your file in order to provide you with the best quality of service .
Step 1: Customer Support
Our after-sales service responds by email in less than 1 hour to our customers for repair support for electric scooters or other vehicles. With the Covid period we had to set up an appointment system in order to better manage our schedule but above all to protect you from the risk of infection.
Our controlled coordination between making appointments and taking charge of your product has made it possible to avoid any loss of information, always with the aim of improving efficiency in our repairs.
step 2: Diagnosis by our engineers
In order to provide you with information quickly, we put everything in place to carry out a complete diagnosis of your product in less than 72 hours after its arrival in our technical centers.
We not only check the points of breakdowns reported to our after-sales service, but also on the whole vehicle in order to intervene on the slightest problem which could occur subsequently. All this with the aim of returning your product to you in the best possible condition.
step 3: Quote sent to the customer
If the repair is not covered by warranty, we will instantly send you an estimate with the part(s) to be repaired. For the sake of complete transparency, without your agreement we cannot begin repairs .
This is why we have to get back to you by email or telephone to study together the most suitable solution.
Step 4: Repair your vehicle
With nearly 15 products repaired per day on average , our technical department has considerably increased its pace with even greater attention to the quality of our repairs.
Step 5: Testing phase
Last step before the return of your vehicle. Each of the products passed through our hands undergoes a test phase by our technical team in order to be certain that your vehicle functions correctly. Several control points are carried out so that no product returns to its owner without an optimal level of satisfaction.
Some key figures of our after-sales service
- Our after-sales service has grown in 1 year from 3 to 15 people
- Boulogne workshop of 2 50m2 entirely dedicated to repairs
- Response by email to our customers in 1 hour
- Diagnosis of the fault in less than 72 hours after receipt of the product
- Average time for full repair between pick-up and customer return: 1 week
By having significantly improved our after-sales service , we have already received very positive feedback from our Weebot customers. This indicates that we are moving in the right direction which is important to continue.
Today we can even offer you an appointment during the day for minor repairs such as changing an inner tube for example, in order to meet your request as accurately as possible.
PS: At the writing of this article, our after-sales service is hard hit by several positive cases of Covid . With nearly three-quarters of our workforce in isolation , we continue to provide our service in order to limit the impact of this pandemic as best as possible. This is currently causing some delays both in making appointments and in terms of repairs. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience caused. We are doing everything we can to regain our efficiency as quickly as possible.